Novak Djokovic Contemplates Playing in 2028 LA Olympics

When there are still five months until the Olympic Games Paris 2024, there are some who are already thinking about the next Olympic event in 2028 in Los Angeles. They asked him this very night Novak Djokovic during the Media Day of Indian Wells, asking the Serbian if he sees himself capable of reaching this appointment that is still so distant in time. The Serbian, who will turn 37 in a few months, did not reject the idea in any way.

“Everything will depend on the cards we have at that moment, we’ll see what I have left at that point. It’s still too far away to think about it, but of course it’s an appointment that excites me. The Olympics are every four years, but I can’t commit yet, I want to go year by year. If my physique accompanies me and I maintain this passion for what I do, of course I would like to participate, but there is still a long way to go,” said the world No. 1.

2024-03-08 08:45:06
#Djokovic #leaves #door #open #participate #Olympic #Games #Los #Angeles


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