MLB Training Camp: Kansas City Royals vs Chicago Cubs – Our Forecast for the Game

The ideal way to plunge into the world of the game of the MLB training camp Kansas City Royals – Chicago Cubs is our forecast, formed on new data. The last meeting between the collectives, dated February 26th of this year, was not particularly popular (6:0). But this time everything could be different.

Kansas spends its second straight preseason as productively as possible, heading to Los Angeles. The team prepares itself better than any other for the unofficial competitions, but this does not lead to any really serious success. For example, last regular season the boys were at the bottom of the table and could only beat Oakland. Matt Quartaro’s team is now in a fighting mood and has won three games in a row.

Chicago, on the other hand, did not make any significant progress during the break and was content with the status of an unremarkable middle-class team. In terms of potential, the team could be among the elite, at least for a short time. However, it would not be superfluous to add some experienced players to the squad. Yesterday, the representatives of the Windy City suffered a bitter defeat against San Diego (1-2), where they were able to record 9 hits. Garrett Cooper had a big hit in the fifth inning, but the rest of the team was a disappointment.

2024-03-05 22:59:19
#Kansas #City #Royals #Chicago #Cubs #prediction #tips #today #March #Baseball


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