Local School Hosts Olympic and Paralympic Week for Students

The local school is organizing days dedicated to the Olympic and Paralympic Games on April 2, 4 and 5.

In the Teixidor family from Béziers, interest in sport has never been denied. If Lionel presides over the happy destinies of baseball in Béziers, his brother, Florent, director of the Malbosc school group in La Courondelle, could not let the year of the Paris Olympic Games pass without doing something for his school.

Hence this “Olympic and Paralympic Week” at the Louis-Malbosc school which he is organizing over three days: Tuesday 2, Thursday 4 and Friday 5 April.

Baseball for Lionel, school for Florent

The first day, Tuesday April 2, will be the opening of this event with the discovery, for all students, of numerous sports workshops organized in the establishment.

The children will be divided into groups, accompanied by parent volunteers, to tour the workshops.

Eighteen sports will be highlighted. Culture and art workshops around the Olympics will be set up. The opening day, Tuesday April 2, will already be a great moment of celebration around this vast and original organization.

The other two days will be an opportunity for students to participate in sports workshops in the Olympic and Paralympic spirit.

Midi Libre correspondent: 06 62 58 43 20

2024-03-28 04:16:04
#Olympic #week #Malbosc


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