LIVE | Last minute of the war between Israel and Hamas

LIVE |  Last minute of the war between Israel and Hamas

MAR, 8:43

175 days of war in Gaza have passed with attacks in the north, center and south of the enclave

The Israeli Army confirmed this Friday attacks throughout the entire Gaza Strip, 175 days into a war with more than 32,500 dead, at least 72% women and children, and hunger among a largely displaced civilian population.

In the last day, dozens of Palestinian civilians were killed or injured in a series of Israeli airstrikes in various areas of the enclave, local Palestinian and medical sources confirmed today.

The military siege of the Shifa hospital, in the northern city of Gaza, continues for the twelfth consecutive day and, in the last 24 hours, Israeli troops killed militants in this area and located “weapons and terrorist infrastructure,” according to a military statement.

2024-03-29 08:27:00
#LIVE #minute #war #Israel #Hamas


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