Legal Defenders Order DNA Sampling in Felice Lippiello Murder Case

With the supervision of the legal defenders, the lawyers Antonio Falconieri and Francesco Pecchia, a DNA sample will be carried out on two individuals investigated for the murder of Felice Lippiello, which occurred on 6 February in Via De Santis, in Baiano.

This sampling represents the last investigative act ordered by the Avellino Prosecutor’s Office as part of the investigation into the murder, which led to the arrest of Salvatore and Francesco Crisci, father and son. It is presumed that an argument between the Criscis and the victim caused the fatal stabbing, which resulted in injury to the femoral artery.

The deputy prosecutor Vincenzo Toscano ordered the sampling to compare the biological traces found by the Baiano Carabinieri and the Avellino Investigative Unit with some finds at the crime scene, including a baseball cap not belonging to the victim, as confirmed by the military.

At the moment, neither the knife nor the stick, presumably held by the Crisci at the time of the accident with the Fiat Panda which was allegedly in use by the two suspects, have been found. The biological traces will soon be examined at the Ris in Rome.

In the meantime, the request for review presented by the lawyers of the two defendants to cancel the precautionary measure issued by the investigating judge of the Avellino Court, Giulio Argenio, will be discussed before the judges of the Eighth Criminal Section of the Review Court of Naples on Friday 8 March . The defense probably intends to question the reconstruction of the event, at least in part.

2024-03-02 12:51:31
#DNA #tests #suspects #awaiting #review


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