Judo Capital Holdings Analysis: Neutral Sentiment, Good Technical Ratings

The current report on Judo Capital shares shows no significant changes in social media sentiment over the last four weeks. The stock is therefore rated as “Neutral”. However, there was an increase in communication frequency, indicating that there was more talk about the company. Overall, Judo Capital receives a “Good” rating at this level.

Technical analysis shows that Judo Capital’s current price of AUD 1,415 is a “good” signal as it is +32.24 percent away from the GD200 (AUD 1.07). The GD50, which represents the average price development over 50 days, has a price of AUD 1.14, which corresponds to a gap of +24.12 percent. The Judo Capital share price is therefore rated as “Good” if the average of 50 and 200 days is used as a basis.

Overall, the investor mood at Judo Capital in the discussion forums and opinion columns on social media is rather neutral, as can be seen from the evaluations of the last two weeks. The focus was on negative topics, which led to an overall rating of “neutral”.

Based on the Relative Strength Index, Judo Capital shares are classified as neutral. The seven-day RSI7 has a value of 18.52, which results in a “Good” recommendation, while the RSI25 for 25 days has a value of 29.46, which also results in a “Good” rating. Overall, this results in an overall ranking of “Good” at the level of the Relative Strength Indicator.

Buy, hold or sell – your Judo Capital Holdings analysis from March 13th. provides the answer:

How will Judo Capital Holdings develop now? Is it worth getting started or should investors sell? You can find out the answers to these questions and why you need to act now in the latest Judo Capital Holdings analysis.

2024-03-13 00:32:47
#Judo #Capital #Holdings #share #rarely #good #situation


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