Jordan Bardella launches his European election campaign with a giant meeting in Marseille

Jordan Bardella launches his European election campaign with a giant meeting in Marseille


Europeans: Bardella launches her campaign during a giant meeting in Marseille

Jordan Bardella launched his campaign for the European elections on June 9 on Sunday afternoon in Marseille in front of 5,000 people with a giant meeting to give substance to a dynamic that has so far been promising in the polls. Near the Vélodrome stadium, the head of the list of National gathering must speak at the conclusion of high mass. This is a first, whereas the privilege was until now reserved for Marine Le Pen. The latter opened the meeting shortly after 3:00 p.m. after a long stroll with the candidate in the aisles of the room, under deafening music and a cloud of blue-white-red flags. The former candidate for the presidential election spoke is immediately attacked by Emmanuel Macron, target N.1 of the National Rally campaign. She notably castigated the “cynicism” and the “warlike postures” of a president “under siege”, in the face of whom the RN will propose a “thoughtful and resolute, national and popular transition”. She also confirmed her presence on the RN list, in last place, a “symbolic” candidacy. The meeting must materialize the “Bardella-mania” theorized by the RN strategists, according to them already verified by the 28% to 30% of votes promised by the polls, as much as its popularity, measured by the number of selfies requested during its travels. The Marseille meeting inaugurates a series of around ten public meetings scheduled over the next three months, including ‘one in Paris on May 1. – Campaign axes -In Marseille, the meeting billed 400,000 euros – out of a total campaign budget of 4.32 million – should in particular be the opportunity to test a new slogan: “France comes back”, subtitled “Europe revives”, a nod to Ronald Reagan’s phrase “America is back”. It was already a reference to the 80s that the far-right party had used until then, “Can’t wait for June 9”, a pastiche of a slogan from Jacques Chirac’s RPR. Basically, the Marseille rally must outline the axes of the campaign. Thursday, during a press conference in Paris, Jordan Bardella unveiled a “three-color strategy” inspired by traffic lights, sorting out between the community cooperation that he “approves” (in green, for example Erasmus), those for which he calls for “new conditions” (orange, as for Schengen) and “red lines”, notably immigration. A disguised exit from the Union, as Macronie accuses? “No +Frexit+, neither public nor hidden” he swears, saying he is not “against Europe” but “against the European Union”, referring to a simple “model of political organization like there could be several.” One of his competitors, Raphaël Glucksmann, who is on the socialist list, already responded to him on Sunday on France 3 by describing the Lepénistes as “junk patriots (…) in the service of Vladimir Putin “. A parallel counter-demonstration brought together 600 people in Marseille, who came to “mark their opposition” to the RN. “This is not a happy time for left-wing struggles” but it is important “to stand up to the RN,” said Louise, 25, a construction worker, who refused to give her name. family.- Le Pen Objective 2027 -During his speech, Jordan Bardella should focus on his favorite themes, first and foremost immigration, “the greatest danger facing the countries of Europe”, he said. he said in an interview published this morning in La Provence. The “great replacement”? “It’s a reality, even if I don’t use this term because I don’t find it clear. Millions of French people no longer recognize their country.” With these markers, the Lepénists want to make the vote “an election of mid -mandate”, or “the only opportunity to sanction Emmanuel Macron’s policy”, as Jordan Bardella hammered out on Saturday during a trip to Gard. Objective: to make June 9 the stepping stone of a fourth candidacy of Marine Le Pen for the Elysée in 2027. Ultra-favorite in the polls with around ten points more than the Renaissance-MoDem-Horizons list, Jordan Bardella has a double objective: to come first and do at least as well as ‘to the last Europeans, 23.34%. The main unknown of the campaign: the rise, or not, of the Macronist camp, stuck for several weeks below the 20% voting intention mark. The Macronist and its candidate Valérie Hayer intend to respond to Jordan Bardella’s meeting next Saturday, in Lille. With, to support it, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal and his entire government.pab/sde/bow

2024-03-04 11:38:28
#Marseille #supporters #targeted #highway


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