High School Baseball Club Hosts Baseball Class for Elementary School Players to Promote Love for the Game

High School Baseball Club Hosts Baseball Class for Elementary School Players to Promote Love for the Game

The Matsushi Gakuen High School Baseball Club held its first baseball class for elementary school players on March 3rd and 9th. By teaching children, the players returned to the basics of enjoying baseball.

↓ High school students and elementary school students meet

“While the baseball population is declining, we hope this will be an opportunity for people to continue playing baseball,” said Munekatsu Matsu, who solicited children to participate through after-school baseball groups. Approximately 40 students from Minamishin’s after-school team participated on the 3rd, and approximately 30 fifth-grade elementary school students from the Chushin district participated on the 9th. With the generous support of 56 members of the baseball team, they all stood up and practiced hitting, fielding, and base running.

The high school students deepened their friendships by talking to the elementary school students, asking questions such as “Which team is the strongest?” and complimenting them on the tee, such as “Nice batting” and “Good luck.”

Captain Ryui Hanyuta said, “Seeing the elementary school students having fun reminded me of myself back then. We went back to our roots and learned a lot.”

On the 9th, a “Sports Challenge Day” was held at the school for upper elementary school students to experience various sports, and as part of this, 16 members of the softball baseball team also participated in the baseball class. Second-year students Takashi Masuzawa and Akira Tanaka deepened their friendship, saying, “I’m glad the kids seemed to be having fun,” and “It’s getting us back to our roots.”

Baseball classroom scene

2024-03-09 23:14:26
#High #schoolMatsusho #Gakuen #youth #baseball #class #nines #WEB


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