Earthquakes: 4.5 shock in Friuli Venezia Giulia. Also felt in Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige – News

Earthquakes: 4.5 shock in Friuli Venezia Giulia.  Also felt in Veneto and Trentino Alto Adige – News

An earthquake of magnitude 4.5 was recorded at 10.19pm 5 kilometers from Socchieve (Udine), a small municipality in Carnia, at a depth of ten kilometres.

The earthquake was felt throughout the region, from Pordenone to Udine and Trieste. But also in Veneto, Trentino Alto Adige and neighboring Austria and Slovenia. The fire brigade switchboards received dozens and dozens of phone calls.

According to the Civil Protection: “The shock was felt by the population but initial checks showed no damage to people or things”

Mayor Socchieve, we were afraid

“We heard a terrible bang and we were so scared”, then “there was no electricity for a few minutes”. Coriglio Zannier, mayor of Socchieve, the municipality closest to the epicenter of the 4.5 magnitude earthquake felt this evening in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, told Rainews24. In terms of damage, the mayor said, there was “some falling tiles”, but now “we are returning to normality”.

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2024-03-27 21:43:00
#Earthquakes #shock #Friuli #Venezia #Giulia #felt #Veneto #Trentino #Alto #Adige #News


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