Confirmed: Bolivarian Youth Games Sucre 2024 to be Broadcasted on Panam Sports Channel

Confirmed: Bolivarian Youth Games Sucre 2024 to be Broadcasted on Panam Sports Channel


The first edition of this sports event will bring together 1,610 young people from South America and will take place between April 4 and 14 in the city of Sucre, Bolivia.

Panam Sports Channel will broadcast this event live and direct to the entire world. Download the APP for free now.

Santiago March 27.- There are only 8 days left until the first edition of the Bolivarian Games of Sucre 2024 begins with the participation of 7 South American countries: Bolivia, Chile Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru and Venezuela.

In total there will be 1,610 athletes, with the host country as the largest delegation with 248 athletes. They are followed by Venezuela with 200, Chile 185, Colombia 164, Ecuador 101, Panama 70 and Peru 102.

Sucre 2024 will have 24 sports and 27 disciplines: athletics, badminton, basketball, handball, baseball, boxing, cycling, fencing, futsal, artistic gymnastics, judo, karate, weightlifting, wrestling, swimming, Basque pelota, racquetball,

“The holding of the first Bolivarian Youth Games Sucre 2024 constitutes a special reason for satisfaction for the Bolivarian Sports Organization not only because of the opportunity that this event represents for the Bolivarian youth to begin to build their Olympic dream but also because we are giving them “It forms a sports development strategy in our affiliated countries that have seen in this event, the ideal means to support local processes of talent preparation and sports reserve as a replacement generation for their current champions,” said the President of ODEBO, Baltazar Medina. .

This sporting event begins on April 4 with the Opening Ceremony and will continue until the 14th of the same month with the closing ceremony. In an agreement between the President of ODEBO, Baltazar Medina and the President of Panam Sports Neven Ilic, it was decided that the Pan American Sports Channel, Panam Sports Channel, would broadcast this competition live to the world.

“Our programmatic grid is growing day by day. There are more and more events that we are broadcasting live. We recently had rowing and karate, today we are live with the Pan American racquetball and now we are preparing for the first Bolivarian Youth Games with live broadcast from the city of Sucre,” said Panam Sports Broadcast Director, Michael Müller. .


The Bolivarian Sports Games were created to honor the Venezuelan hero Simón Bolívar, liberator of current Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, Peru and Venezuela, and its first edition was held in 1938, during the fourth centenary of the founding of Bogotá.

The Bolivarian Games are held every four years and depend on the Bolivarian Sports Organization. The last edition at the adult level was in Santa Marta Colombia in 2017 and today, 7 years later, the first edition of the Youth Games will be held with the beautiful city of Sucre and the warmth of its people as the organizers of this regional event.

Baltazar Medina, President of the Bolivarian Sports Organization

2024-03-27 19:05:01


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