Climbing and personal improvement – La Provincia

Climbing and personal improvement – La Provincia

The climbing It is a sport in which a few seconds after starting it you have already achieved a feeling of improvement. With the first hand and the first step taken, you have already managed to move forward, avoid obstacles. It is a discipline that not only provides the development of strength and physical resistance, but also benefits the evolution of mental abilities and breaks barriers related to fear, which generates greater self-confidence. A complete sport in every sense.

It is an activity that is in the genetics of the human being as much as running or walking. Climbing has been an evolutionary achievement and improvement as a species. Now, with scientific data in hand, this activity can be used as a powerful weapon for individual development. Alexis Zajetzpsychotherapist at the Thalgau Therapeutic Climbing Institute (Austria) summarized the motivating force of climbing in a few words to ‘UK Climbing’: “Just by taking the first step you already have your first feeling of success”.

Climbing and its problem solving invites a more positive attitude towards life / .

Choosing your level (expectations), key to improvement

The benefits of climbing, amplified with sport climbing, is that there are different levels that cause the sport to adapt to each person. In this way, the degree of satisfaction caused by overcoming an obstacle or solving a wall will be the same in climbers of a very different level. When it comes to the brain and mental health, there is no difference and the positive consequences are the same.

The challenge is to surpass oneself, regardless of the aforementioned level. As one explores different walls develops mental skills such as problem solving, patience and perseverance. Something that helps enhance the mental abilities of each practitioner.

This resolution of barriers implies an increase in level and an overcoming of barriers that can also lead to a overcoming fears. This learning, as demonstrated by different scientific studies (in the United Kingdom’s NHS, its national public health service, specifically points out climbing as a beneficial activity for mental health), inspires this improvement to be extrapolated from the climbing wall to the gym. daily life.

Scalding is a ‘mildfullnes’ exercise that in real life hits symptoms such as stress or depression / .

There are no shortcuts in the climbing gym.

Climbing and its problem solving invites a more positive attitude towards life on the street and to pay attention to continuous learning and face other challenges with confidence. To do this, on the wall it is advisable to choose realistic challenges that suit each individual. A beginner cannot start climbing or solving complex level problems because it can lead to frustration. You must go step by step, level by level and soon you will progress.

Patience and perseverance – also mentioned above – are fundamental aspects in climbing, qualities that are also applicable to the daily routine to achieve this vital improvement. The Expectations on the wall must be realistic since there are no shortcuts. Therefore, the focus of climbing rewards thinking and concentrating on the here and now to progress. An exercise of ‘mildfullnes‘ which in real life affects symptoms such as stress or depression, agents contrary to the feeling of improvement.

2024-03-29 07:56:18
#Climbing #personal #improvement #Provincia


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