Celebrating 17 Years of the Small Tournament 2024: Promoting Values Through Mini Basketball

Celebrating 17 Years of the Small Tournament 2024: Promoting Values Through Mini Basketball

He Ciutadella Ponent Basketball Club chaired by former player Miquel Rosselló celebrates this year the seventeenth edition of the Small Tournament 2024, a true reference during the sporting Holy Week in Menorca. A category championship mini basketballboth men’s and women’s, which this year has the participation of the teams from CB Ciutadella Ponent itself, in addition to the Mallorcans, CB Montuïri, CB Pla de Na Tesa, CB Campos, CB Porreres and teams from the Menorcan clubs of the CCE Sant Lluís, CB La Salle Mahón and CD Alcázar.

In total there will be up to 18 teams that from March 27 –this Wednesday– until the following Saturday, March 30, they will dispute this mini category tournament in the annex and the Ciutadella Municipal Pavilion. An event that, according to the organizing club, “aims, above all, to promote values ​​of participation and camaraderie of teams from our Island, along with teams from the neighboring island of Mallorca,” they say.

Much more than basketball

In the words of the leaders of CB Ciutadella Ponent, “they are three intense days for many boys and girls who, surely for the first time, they participate in a tournament and they live together in a hotel for a few days, without being with their families. She is a very positive experience that encourages values most essential of basketball”, abound in the ‘poly’.

2024-03-26 03:41:07
#Mini #basketball #Menorca #Mallorca #Small #Tournament


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