Arsene Wenger Pushes for Game-Changing Offside Rule Modification

Arsene Wenger has named the unofficial one for the moment changing the offside rule. The French coach and current head of football development at FIFA wants to favor attacking play and considers that the current rule focuses on the defender and never on the forward. Two years ago, in those meetings held by the different interest groups in world football, Wenger put a twist on the current offside on the table. Like every change in the world of football, before making the final decisiontests and more tests are carried out to check if the modification is acceptable and compatible with football.

That is what is happening with the so-called Wenger offside law, the one that pIt aims to make a complete turn and make it the most backward part of the forward in line with the defender, which marks or not the attacker’s illegal situation. If the idea that is already being tested goes ahead, the forward will be able to be positioned in front of the defender, but always keeping a part of his body in line with the penultimate rival. More clearly, the offside would be limited forward and not backward, theoretically favoring the arrival of more goals.

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The initiative It has already been tested since last November in different youth tournaments in Sweden and Italy. There is still a long way to go before the IFAB can introduce the modification, which is a strong bet from FIFA.

In fact, until next February, the Football regulations will not undergo any changes, at which time the IFAB assembly will closely examine all the regulations. trials carried out around the world of football, starting with the blue card and ending with the possible change of the offside law.

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Since he put it on the table, There have been reactions of all kinds. Logically, the forwards advocate for a change, something that defenses and the rest of the team would not understand.

In it Next fall will be the time to take the first exam, what it would entail and the impact a change would have. If this test is passed, the Wenger law could be on the table in the next IFAB assembly to be held in February 2025.

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2024-03-19 14:27:16
#Wenger #Law #offside #testing #phase


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