Violent Assault in Naples Leads to Prison and House Arrest Measures for Suspects

NAPLES, DECEMBER 27 – Last November 19, in front of a nightclub in Pozzuoli (Naples), during a violent argument they beat a young man, even with a baseball bat, and stabbed another: today the State Police carried out an precautionary custody order which ordered the prison measure against Gianluca Forte, Antonio Nobile, Domenico Di Micco, and the measure of house arrest for Luigi Forte. They are accused of attempted murder and aggravated assault.

The precautionary measure was issued after investigations conducted by the Flying Squad and the Pozzuoli and Afragola police stations. For trivial reasons the suspects beat up two young people; one was stabbed in the abdomen and the other was hit several times with kicks, punches and a baseball bat.

Luigi and Gianluca Forte are sons of Giovanni who is currently detained for Camorra-related crimes, as he is considered contiguous to the “Moccia Clan” operating in Afragola (Naples).

Antonio Nobile is Raffaele’s son and is currently detained for Camorra-related crimes as he is always considered to be contiguous to the Moccia Clan.

2024-02-02 01:43:36
#stabbed #beat #young #people #argument #arrests


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