Violence Erupts at Tigre vs. Chacarita Match: Player Injured by Thrown Bottle

Violence Erupts at Tigre vs. Chacarita Match: Player Injured by Thrown Bottle

At the moment of greatest boiling, when Tigre had scored the goal that gave him the victory in the classic against Chacarita for the 32nd finals of the Argentine Cup, Everything collapsed. Inexplicably, a Matador fan – who was quickly identified and arrested – launched a bottle full of water that hit Fernando Brandán’s faceforward of Funebrero, who could not continue in the game with an eyeball injury.

Everything was going well at the Arsenal de Sarandí stadium, where there was only a Tigre audience because those from Chacarita were prevented from attending after the incidents that had caused a death in their own stands at the start of the Primera Nacional. Until the referee Ariel Penel He decided to send off Cardoso, Matador’s captain, for a double yellow card, and caused the public to explode.

Three bottles flew from the stalls. The first, empty, hit the Chacarita striker in the back, but the second, the largest and filled with water, was the one that hit Chacarita’s face. Brandanwho immediately collapsed on the grass.

The match was 1-0 in favor of the First Division team, thanks to a goal from Brahian Alemanjust started the second half. “Everything is red in the area and he can’t see”the Undertaker’s doctor assured the referee Ariel Penel. There were 7 minutes of the complement and for 20 minutes they waited for the final decision, which was the suspension.

“He had trauma to the ocular region and the right zygomatic arch. The physical examination showed a conjunctival injection, with edema in the area, pain, difficulty in mobility of the eyeball and a tendency to photopsias, which are flashes”he explained Ayelen Puccithe doctor from the Chacarita team, seconds after signing the report in referee Penel’s locker room.

And I add: “Now we have to see how this continues, we’ll see. He has difficult vision in that region of the eye at the moment”.

“This seems logical to me, the report will be passed to the Disciplinary Court”said referee Penel after the suspension and gave an incredible clarification about the previous match: “I told them that the banks couldn’t be that way, I talked about it with whoever had to talk about it, but they told me that it was agreed that it would be that way”.

Photo: Fernando de la Orden / CLARIN

The thing is that, incredibly, the handful of friends of the Funebrero – whose public could not attend due to the acts of violence that occurred in their stadium at the start of the Primera Nacional – were on top of Tigre’s substitute bench and vice versa. “Néstor Gorosito did not want to change to have the lineman close”denounced the president of Chacarita, Néstor Di Pirro.

It will be the referee who submits the report of what happened to the AFA Disciplinary Courtwhich after giving sight to both clubs to make their defense, will determine what happens with the remaining 37 minutes that remained to be played.

Brandán’s word and Gorosito’s accusation

After a long time, Brandán left the local locker room at the Julio Humberto Grondona stadium, with an ice bag on the injured area. “I want to tell my family that I’m fine, now I’m going to see the doctor”the forward, who on Tuesday had been a dad, managed to say.

Then he got on the bus and left for the Santa Lucía ophthalmological hospital, in the Buenos Aires neighborhood of San Cristóbal, to undergo an eye examination and more in-depth examinations of the affected area.

But the controversy arose from the statements of the Tigre coach Nestor Gorositowho considered that Brandán “headed” the bottle that was thrown from the audience.

“It is very bad that they throw a bottle. The opponents are not enemies, they are adversaries. But the images are a little confusing. The Chacarita player (by Brandán) runs to one of Tigre and heads the bottle. We should not throw a thing like that, but don’t head it either.”said Pipo.

One more gray page for the book of violence in Argentine football, in which we will have to wait to see if it continues, which according to a first survey is what would prevail among the members of the Disciplinary Court.

2024-02-22 00:49:00
#Tigre #fan #hit #Chacarita #player #bottle #game #suspended #Sarandí


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