Vingegaard’s winning style follows the big names

Vingegaard’s winning style follows the big names

I leave a few for the outsiders of this Het Nieuwsblad

Simply Flanders, cobblestones, hills and madness in the ditches, with Het Nieuwsblad we can say that the regular season begins, everything big, important, a race with a team in everyone’s sights, Visma, but with many outsiders in the list.

And reviewing the startlist I had a hard time finding those five names. that I want to see shine between the chapel and the Bosberg, when the cycling crackles and everything jumps into the air,

I think we are facing the most powerful Het Nieuwsblad in registration in recent years, with hegemonic blocks, such as Visma, with the last two winners, Van Baarle and Van Aertothers very powerful and a few individualities that I will now compress into this modest list of five outsiders.

Jasper Philipsen

This cyclist attracts my attention very, very much, if he arrives in shape, which, seeing how cycling is going now, I don’t doubt that it will be like that.

Phlipsen heads this list of outsiders for Het Nieuwsblad because he seems to me like the typical Belgian cyclist who evolves from a fucking sprinter to an excellent classicomaniac.

He races without Mathieu Van der Poel and therefore with the need to put in miles as leader of the ranks.

He is known for great performances in pavés and flamenco races.

Last year I found the two bosses almost as strong in Roubaix and their victory in the Scheldt was a manual on how to handle these races.

Kasper Asgreen

I want to see this rider ahead again, who connects with that superlative cyclist from three years ago or with the one who achieved a memorable stage in the Tour de France.

Soudal leads, with Alaphilippe shot up in terms of morbidity, and has an ideal race ahead of him, at a time when the team also needs good news in the spring.

Last year Soudal was in tow the entire campaign.

Florian Sénéchal

He’s not one of the big names, sure, but every time one leaves the Wolfpack, the expectation skyrockets.

“Chico Lefevere” as always, takes the lead of Arkea, fulfilling the profile of the perfect cyclist to filter into breakaways and look for the heroic one at the end, without forgetting his speed in small sprints.

Tom Pidcock

Want to see the little guy grow up on the cobblestonesan area that has to go well but where he is not remembered for great performances as a pro.

He is without a doubt the most inspirational cyclist in the peloton, if he’s okay, if he’s having a stupid day, I don’t rule him out at all, and in this area you already know how he handles the bike.

Jonathan Milan

I’m really looking forward to seeing the giant, now at the Lidl Trek, in a terrain that seems ideal to me for his next step in an evolution to which I see no ceiling.

Explosive but above all powerful, if he leaves the mountains alive, his status as an Olympic chaser can be decisive in possible hunts.

It seems like a great cyclist to me.

Image: ASO/Pauline Ballet

2024-02-26 05:18:40
#Vingegaards #winning #style #big #names


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