The NBA Night Program: Quality Over Quantity with a Salty Los Angeles Derby to Finish

New night in the NBA with 6 games on the program but the most important thing is quality and not quantity. We will be served in quality with interesting matches to start the night and above all a very salty Los Angeles-ico to finish it well. Send the program for the night!

The night’s program:

  • 1h30 : Pacers – Pelicans
  • 1h30 : Raptors – Mavericks
  • 2h : Wolves – Grizzlies
  • 2h : Bulls – Cavaliers
  • 3h : Nuggets – Kings
  • 4h : Clippers – Lakers

The match not to be missed: Clippers – Lakers at 4 a.m.

Los Angeles-ico is always a special match. But this night, it will be a derby even a little more special than the others. Because this is the last time that the two City of Angels franchises will meet – in the regular season – as roommates at the Crypto Arena, formerly Staples Center. The Clippers will indeed play in their new venue (the Intuit Dome) next season with a new logo and new jerseys. What could be better to celebrate this emancipation than to tar the neighbor who usually takes all the spotlight. Beyond that, the Clippers must hang on to the 3 wagon at the top of the Western Conference and that will require a victory without Paul George (injury).

The Lakers, for their part, will be keen to organize a very salty farewell party for the little sister of Los Angeles. LeBron James and Anthony Davis are questionable as in all matches. There is no doubt that the idea of ​​coming up against Kawhi Leonard and James Harden will push them to suit up for a very nice shock. Come on, see you at 4 a.m. for this derby between Angelinos!

But also…

  • The Pacers host the Pelicans in good shape.
  • A new masterclass coming for Luka Doncic against the Raptors?
  • Wolves and Grizzlies face each other at 2 o’clock but the wolf should calmly beat the grizzly bear.
  • A far-fetched Dwyane Wade-ico between Bulls and Cavs.
  • Big game in the Western Conference with the Nuggets hosting the Kings at 3 a.m.

The French of the night

  • Rudy Gobert receives the reigning Defender of the Year to show him what a likely quadruple DPOY is.

And in the G League

  • Ousmane Dieng and Olivier Sarr of the OKC Blue host the Santa Cruz Warriors.

2024-02-28 18:31:00
#program #night #NBA #Clippers


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