The Information Council of Catalonia shows its concern about Laporta’s criticism of the Camp Nou works

The Information Council of Catalonia shows its concern about Laporta’s criticism of the Camp Nou works

He Information Council of Catalonia (CIC), entity that serves to express the will of the College of Journalists of Catalonia (CPC) and ensure compliance with the Professional Code of Ethics of Catalonia, wanted to “show its concern” for the statements made by the president of FC Barcelona, ​​Joan Laporta, in which he disqualified the information and the work of the journalists of El Newspaper, from Prensa Ibérica, about the complaints of the workers of the subcontractors of the Camp Nou works.

Laporta describes the irregularities found in the Camp Nou works as mere “incidents”

After indicating that “Killing the messenger is a practice as old as it is ineffective that only leads to misinformation”, the entity wanted to make four considerations following Laporta’s accusation that EL PERIÓDICO published this relevant information due to “ideological apriorisms.”

In this sense, the CIC has indicated that “When Mr. Laporta refutes the information about alleged labor irregularities in the Camp Nou remodeling works, with the sole argument that they are made with “ideological apriorisms” and without providing evidence, is accusing journalists of acting unethically. And we believe that this is a serious accusation“.

“Having verified and truthful information is one of the rights recognized in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The obligation to guarantee this right falls mainly on journalists. But people in representative positions are also responsible when speaking through the media”, clarified the body of journalists in Catalonia.

“At a time when any debate is amplified uncritically on the networks, creating isolated groups in permanent conflict, We believe that gratuitously disqualifying the work of journalists leads to confrontation and can even lead to hatred,” the CIC has warned to emphasize that “it is necessary for everyone to become aware that fueling this type of speech and debate does not help to calm spirits in an already very tense society.”

Finally, the CIC offers “to study and resolve any conflict of this nature. But it rejects disqualifications without arguments without nuances.”

2024-02-03 20:17:43
#Information #Council #Catalonia #shows #concern #Laportas #criticism #Camp #Nou #works


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