The Inauguration of the Adidas Arena: A Game-Changer for Paris Sports and Sustainability

Par Thibault Nadal
Published on Feb 11, 24 at 6:25 p.m. See my news Follow Paris News

In the queue to access the Adidas Arena this Sunday, February 11, the curious who came to see the new venue in the 18th arrondissement of Paris are unanimous: they are subjugated by this new setting. “It’s still super beautiful,” says one of them.

“The beginning of the start of the Olympics”

For the official inauguration, Anne Hidalgo, entrusted her “happiness to see such a magical place emerge from the ground”. The Minister of Sports, Amélie Oudéa-Castérashe praised “a “magnificent sporting setting”.

Less than 200 days before the start of the Olympic Games, this inauguration marks, for the mayor of Paris, “the beginning of the start of the Olympic Games”. Only site built in intra-muros Paristhe Adidas Arena will host badminton and rhythmic gymnastics events, as well as para badminton and para weightlifting.

During the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games, the Adidas Arena will host badminton, rhythmic gymnastics, para badminton and para weightlifting events. (©TN / Actu Paris)

A setting focused on ecology

Equipped with a capacity included between 8,000 and 9,000 places, this new hall was built in just two and a half years. To add its name to it, the German firm had to pay 2.6 million euros to the cityas well as 260,000 euros in annual fees, to which is added a social fund of 180,000 euros per year intended for local associations.

The Arena, nicknamed the “mini Bercy of the north of Paris”, is also characterized by its respect for the environment. Geothermal energy is used in particular to heat and cool the enclosure. But also by its “high-level energy performance” according to Amélie Oudéa-Castéra. She consumes three hays less than a room of the same standard, confirms the Paris town hall.

“To avoid the ‘heat island’ effect, plant continuity will structure the building. With more than 6,900 m2 of green roof and 1,700 m2 of planted terrace, 80% of the horizontal surfaces of the equipment are taken over by nature,” the press release continues. Finally, all the seats were made from recycled plastic.

Revitalize the Porte de la Chapelle district

Built at Porte de la Chapelle, the Adidas Arena should make it possible to continue the “transformation of north-east Paris” and revitalize the neighborhood. A desire shared by Eric Lejoindre, the mayor of the 18th arrondissement, who was very moved when speaking. “I had trouble finding my words,” he confided.

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“This is an important moment for the inhabitants of the 18th and Seine-Saint-Denis. I hope this facility will be a great place to live for the residents of the neighborhood,” he added.

In addition to the main hall, two gymnasiums are an integral part of the Adidas Arena. They will notably welcome schools and associations from the Porte de la Chapelle district. (©TN / Actu Paris)

To achieve this, two gymnasiums were built within the enclosure itself. A first with stands with a capacity of around 7,000 seats and a second without any stands.

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The objective of Paris City Hall is for everyone to have access to these two facilities, with priority given to young people in the neighborhood. For this inauguration day, the crowd was there with a long queue outside. Inside, the youngest were able to learn about the sports that will be practiced during the Olympic Games (basketball of course, badminton and even breakdancing).

Paris Basketball, first master of the place

Before hosting the Olympic Games and several other events, up to 120 per year, between concerts and sporting events, the Adidas Arena will become the new home of Paris Basketball.

Starting this Sunday, February 11, Paris Basketball will become the resident club at the Adidas Arena. (©TN / Actu Paris)

For all elected officials, the passage from the very dilapidated Georges-Carpentier hall to the very moderndesigned in an NBA style, Adidas Arena, should allow the club, built less than six years ago, to change galaxy and to settle among French and European clubs.

Before “dreaming bigger”, like their neighbor PSG, the Paris Basketball players will play their very first in their new setting this Sunday at 7 p.m. against Saint-Quentin (Aisne).

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2024-02-11 17:34:40
#super #beautiful #Paris #inaugurates #Adidas #Arena #setting #Olympics


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