Student Athlete Eowin Ivanna Urbano Espinoza Wins Gold in State Judo Tournament and Prepares for National Games

Student Athlete Eowin Ivanna Urbano Espinoza Wins Gold in State Judo Tournament and Prepares for National Games


Looking ahead to the National Games of the National Commission of Physical Culture and Sports (Conade) 2024, Eowin Ivanna Urbano Espinoza, student of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Autonomous University of Querétaro, participated in the State Judo Tournament and won the medal of gold in its category -63 kg.

The judoka is preparing for the next competition, of a Macro Regional nature. Urbano Espinoza will have to position himself between first and second place, taking into account that he must have won at least one fight during said competition and belong to a different entity than his winning partner.





2024-02-15 19:03:58
#UAQ #university #triumph #state #judo #qualifier


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