Return of Ricky Rubio: The Spanish Point Guard is Back and Ready to Contribute

Return of Ricky Rubio: The Spanish Point Guard is Back and Ready to Contribute

Ricky Rubio returned to the court (11 points (2/11 TC), 5 assists and one rebound) and that was the best news. As a headline, as if no time had passed. And looking to soon contribute to a Spain that cost him at all times with Latvia. Progress and everything will adapt to the point guard’s talent.

Ricky defends Grazulis.

“Was very nervous, as if he were a rookie,” confessed Rubio. He had already compared himself to the debutants in the previous hours and on Prince Philip’s floor he did not hide his feelings. “I’m learning again. Like learning to ride a bicycle again. It’s going to be difficult, but I’m happy,” he added.


Little by little he got into tune and, for example, he seemed quite involved in the final stretch of the crash. “There is still a lot of dust, but I have to remove it. “I’m happy to be back,” acknowledged the Barça player. It was part of the process, one in which by working on himself he managed to take steps until his return to a basketball court with the Spanish National Team.

“I’m going day by day. We’ll see how I’m doing after so much time away and we’ll evaluate the possibilities with the coach,” he said in the bowels of the Aragonese pavilion. After 301 days away, it is normal. “I’m grateful for the opportunity, it was a shame the defeat. Now it’s our turn to win in Belgium“, he claimed.

Ricky will continue and look to Charleloi to improve in all aspects. Basketball is flowing again. “I never lost love, at some point it got dark but little by little I am enjoying it,” he said.

The only thing missing was the result. “It’s basketball. Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. We fought, we had opportunities until the end and it’s sport…”, he buttoned 9. His return to the courts is already a reason for happiness. A genius has returned to the National Team.

More intention than rhythm

Like Ricky, Sergio Scariolo also valued the return of the ‘9’ as something very positive, but conditioned by the lack of filming. “I’ve seen rust in some players. But I don’t know if there was excitement about Ricky’s return. At this point in the season, if there are players who don’t play much for their teams, it shows. It’s true that there was a lot of noise around, but that had to be a motivation,” Scariolo explained.

Scariolo, in the middle of the game.

The Italian spoke about Ricky and what he meant to the team: “I have seen him with a lot of will and serenity, with the desire to do well, but with a lack of rhythm. We appreciate the help you have given us.”

2024-02-22 22:19:37
#nervous.. #rookie


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