Resignation of Judo Club Casteljalousain President Alain Girard and Plans for the 2024 Season

Resignation of Judo Club Casteljalousain President Alain Girard and Plans for the 2024 Season

During the last general meeting of the Judo Club Casteljalousain, president Alain Girard announced that he was resigning. After a few years when it was necessary to remedy the lack of members…

During the last general meeting of the Judo Club Casteljalousain, president Alain Girard announced that he was resigning. After a few years when it was necessary to remedy the lack of members following the health crisis, urgently look for a coach, or resume festive activities, he prefers now re-devoting himself to other personal issues. The meeting took place in the presence of Laurent Ducasse, first deputy in charge of sport, Thierry de Redon, departmental president of the Judo Federation, of families of judokas.

The resigning president took stock of last season. To date, 48 members are part of the club. The arrival of Jean Luc Rubiol made it possible to ensure training as well as participation in sporting events. The latter specifies: “The cadets and juniors largely participated in the Dax Regional Championship. For the little ones, they must above all have fun! »

The financial balance sheet shows balanced accounts, with a slight profit. The activities allow us to raise some funds, with the stew meal and summer sardinade; As for the money collected for the December party, it was given to the Telethon (around 600 euros). Among the purchases, two computers were acquired for office use.

For the 2024 season, the three activities will be renewed.

A range of polo shirts and sweatshirts has been launched. They are on sale at a price of 25 and 35 euros. It is suggested to organize a refreshment bar after a sports meeting at home. Thierry de Redon specifies: “This can bring in between 600 and 800 euros per refreshment bar. The club must position itself from September.”

He recalled the pleasure he had in presenting the department’s first Kawaishi gold medal to Michel Laffitte on the occasion of his 60 years in the service of judo. Laurent Ducasse congratulated all the volunteers for their commitment.

2024-02-22 16:31:55
#president #Judo #Club #Casteljalousain #resigns


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