Renewal and Recap: The San Marino Women’s Union Holds Ordinary Meeting

Renewal and Recap: The San Marino Women’s Union Holds Ordinary Meeting

The ordinary meeting of the San Marino Women’s Union association was held in the late afternoon of Monday 26 February.

UDS itself reports this, adding: “It was an opportunity to take stock of the initiatives carried out so far and to set out future planning. As emerged from the will of those present, the intent is to continue the activity of the association aiming at the development of popular initiative bills to support the issues envisaged by the founding statute.

The assembly also decided to insert two interpretative changes to the statute. On the one hand it was made even clearer that people who play active roles within political movements and parties cannot be elected to the UDS board, on the other it was specified that association membership does not necessarily require annual renewal, but only those who explicitly request it are excluded from membership.

The key moment of the meeting was renewal of the Board of Directors of the association, which has now reached the end of its mandate. The outgoing board consisted of Maria Elena D’Amelio, Gloria Giardi, Vanessa Muratori, Selena Simoncini e Karen Pruccoliwith the latter carrying out the role of President of the association, supported by Vanessa Muratori in the role of Vice President.

During the assembly, Maria Elena D’Amelio and Karen Pruccoli offered their availability to remain on the board, while they were elected as new representatives Vanessa D’Ambrosio, Laura Muratori e Valentina Rossi. The latter was chosen by the assembly as the new President and Maria Elena D’Amelio as Vice President.

The meeting also represented an opportunity to thank Karen Pruccoli for the immense and invaluable work carried out in recent years together with the entire board of directors who supported her, both the official one and the informal and broader one. Thanks to this team it was possible to carry forward – in addition to the enormous work for the referendum on the decriminalization and regulation of IVG and the consequent commitment to follow the drafting of the relevant law – also many other initiatives, such as demonstrations in support of Afghan and Iranian women, the numerous collaborations with other similar associations and the many cultural proposals to raise awareness on issues related to the prevention of gender violence and the empowerment of women.

2024-02-28 23:06:00
#San #Marino #Valentina #Rossi #president #San #Marino #Womens #Union


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