Rafael Nadal Praises Novak Djokovic and Carlos Alcaraz in Recent Interview

The Spanish tennis player Rafael Nadal was asked during an interview about the name of the best tennis player in historyto which he responded that he thinks he is the Serbian Novak Djokovicbut that projects an image that “is worse than it really is.”

“The numbers say yes, for me yes… the image he projects is worse than he really is, I think he is a good person, with his mistakes because I think his behavior accentuates them, but I think he is good”he stated in the program El Objective, on the Spanish television channel La Sexta.

On the other hand, the athlete emphasized Djokovic’s negative acts on the playing field: “There are moments of frustration, Novak breaks his racket, but the next point he is ready to play at 100% again and he is the best I have seen”.

During the same interview, the winner of 22 Grand Slams was asked about his compatriot, the young Carlos Alcarazwhom he praised for his skill in white sports.

“Carlos has an incredible level of tennis, he is a super complete player in every sense”he added.

On the other hand, he highlighted Alcaraz’s abilities at his young age of 20: “I don’t see weaknesses in him like the ones I had at his age, he had many things worse on a technical level than him, he is a very good boy, he has things very clear and that is how he transmits it.”

Finally, Nadal concluded that Alcaraz “He has all the ingredients to have an incredible career.”

2024-02-15 00:42:26
#Rafael #Nadal #revealed #tennis #player #history


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