questions and answers about the remedy to end the hooliganism in football

questions and answers about the remedy to end the hooliganism in football

BarcelonaFootball has always been a sport in which pranking has played an important role, but FIFA is increasingly concerned about its evolution. The implementation of VAR has reduced simulations inside the penalty area to a minimum and has allowed all violent behavior to be severely punished. In any case, the regulation still has leaks that significantly damage the spectacle or tarnish the image of football.

That is why the International Board, the body in charge of drawing up the rules of the game, has decided to give it a new spin and has put the blue card on the table. A tool that could serve the referees to face with more guarantees some actions of the game.

What situations concern FIFA?

Tactical fouls and protests. It would be precisely in these two cases in which the blue card would be applied. On the one hand, the football spectacle is resented every time a team decides to cut off a counter-attack with a foul that involves a yellow card and that wastes a clear action of danger. An action well seen by the coaches because they consider that warning to be profitable and that, therefore, it benefits the offending team more than the one receiving the foul.

On the other hand, FIFA is fed up with how the players show an attitude of contempt towards the referees because it goes against the image it wants to convey of sportsmanship and fair play. This lack of respect for authority is not suffered in other sports and they want to toughen the punishment so that the players will think twice before raising their voice.

What does the blue card entail?

A temporary exclusion of 10 minutes. If a player questions the referee’s decisions excessively, he should leave the field of play. In the same way, if a player commits a tactical foul to cut off the development of the rival attack, he must also remain off the field for 10 minutes. In the disciplinary field, the blue would have the same value as the yellow. In other words, the definitive expulsion with a red card could occur if a footballer receives two yellows (as currently happens), one yellow and one blue or two blues.

When would it apply?

The blue card has just come out of the oven and has a long way to go before it is accepted. Tests are first held in the lower divisions of Wales and Sweden. FIFA workers travel there to assess the success of the proposal and draw up the relevant reports. If the result is convincing, it is transferred to the annual meeting held by the International Board after the end of the season and its implementation is debated. But the English are a large majority when it comes to voting for these changes and tend to protect football in its more traditional aspect. A new card would be a revolution that not everyone would be willing to accept.

How do the referees see it?

This blue card could complicate the decision-making because many infringements are on the threshold between the tactical foul and the normal foul, typical of the fight for the ball. The criteria to define the difference between them would be a breeding ground for controversy and move away from the main objective: to simplify the rules in an attempt to achieve a certain uniformity in decision-making. In relation to the protests, the members believe that they do not need a new card to be respected. A competent referee knows how to find the balance between dialogue and authority and can manage the considerations of the players. A blue card would be more inconvenient to show if it involves the 10-minute suspension.

Why is it blue?

Initially, the color of the blue card was supposed to be orange because it wanted to convey that it was between yellow and red, but it was decided to paint it blue so that it could be clearly differentiated from the other two.

2024-02-14 13:14:59
#questions #answers #remedy #hooliganism #football


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