No retirement, but a hunt for greater African fame: in search of the eternal fire in Hugo Broos

Who says that only wine gets better with age? While his peers are enjoying their retirement, the reputation of Hugo Broos (71) is reaching unprecedented heights. With South Africa, the Belgian coach is once again working on a miracle course in the Africa Cup. But where does that insatiable drive come from?

Belgium honors its heroes, but in Africa they are idolized.

It is a motto that Hugo Broos will confirm without a doubt. Over the past ten years, the continent adopted the Belgian coach into the gallery of most successful coaches.

His final victory in the 2017 Africa Cup with Cameroon is particularly memorable and led to days of public celebration in the country.

Will there be another one in South Africa later this week with Broos as a celebrated hero? Our compatriot unexpectedly guided the underdog to a semi-final against Nigeria.

First the Bafana Bafana struggled through a treacherous group, then there was a strong stunt against top favorite Morocco and then a thriller with a happy ending against Cape Verde.

When it comes to Broos, his nickname of ‘White Wizard’ is mentioned everywhere.

Hugo Broos after his triumph with Cameroon in 2017.


It is admirable what the ex-Red Devil can still achieve at the age of 71.

While other members of his generation have been enjoying their retirement for a while, Broos chooses to delight nations – often in difficult working conditions.

Why is it that the inner fire still burns so brightly?

“After the win with Cameroon we really thought he would retire,” laughs middle daughter Kaat.

“But when he was at home, you felt that the hunger was still there to keep going. And then South Africa came…”

“You know, my dad has been involved with football since he was a child. He really breathes the sport, it is his life. You just see him light up when he can talk about it. And outside of that he has no great passion or activity. Football is real who my daddy is.”

He still feels too young to sit at home on his couch and do nothing.

Sister Elke

Sister Elke steps in: “Even if he were to retire from South Africa next week, I am sure he would still do something in football here or in Belgium. Even if it is only scouting or helping with the youth. He still feels too young to sit at home on his couch and do nothing.”

According to Sven Vandenbroeck, Broos’ assistant at Cameroon, the coach’s sense of honor also played a role in the decision to take on the African challenge.

“The choice for Cameroon was certainly one of revenge. Compared to Belgium, because it was difficult for him to get a job here and they ignored him a bit. But then Hugo was 8 years younger. He chose South Africa I think because it is a nice challenge.”

No absent (grand)father

Once again, it is an employer that is not around the corner. And so Broos’ job – a real family man, everyone says – inevitably has an impact on his private life.

“It demands something from him and from my mother,” Kaat notes. “Because she does not live in South Africa. So they are both often alone and my dad often has to travel back and forth. So that is not easy.”

Yet his daughters are far from calling the success coach an absent father or grandfather.

“Moreover, he always makes it doubly good when he is in Belgium,” Elke noted. “By watching the grandsons’ football matches, or picking them up from school on Wednesdays. We often meet up with the whole family to have a drink or something small to eat.”

Kaat: “Personally, just like in my childhood, I have never had the feeling that my father was absent. Moreover, there are now many ways to stay in touch with each other. (laughs) Especially now the family WhatsApp group not silent.”

Seven years ago with Cameroon we only met at the final and we are still a bit superstitious.

Daughter Kate

In the “Broosjesgroep” the entire company is currently intensely participating in the fairy tale journey of the paterfamilias.

“We all look separately,” Kaat grins. “Seven years ago with Cameroon we only met at the final and we are a bit superstitious. We don’t want to jinx it now.”

Only: what will follow after the Africa Cup? A hero’s welcome in South Africa seems a certainty, but Broos’ future is much more unclear.

Will he continue with Bafana Bafana? Or will he move to a new African country? For example, his name is already being mentioned by Egypt, which is looking for a new national coach after a disappointing tournament.

“I’m curious,” said Vandenbroeck. “Is he going to stick with it for a few more years? Or is he gradually thinking about quitting?”

Kaat: “We have already thought several times that it was the last time. One day he will stop and then we will be happy to see him at home again every day. But does my dad decide to continue? Then we will also see him supports.”

South Africa will play its semi-final against Nigeria on Wednesday at 6 p.m., three hours later Ivory Coast and Congo will play the other semi-final.

At the press conference beforehand, Broos himself already spoke about his future.

“Am I thinking about quitting?” Broos repeated the journalist’s question. “Not at all at the moment. Why should I? We’re not there yet. Of course, I’m 71 years old. There are times when I think about the end of my career.”

“That’s only normal after a career of 36 years as a coach and before that 18 years as a professional football player. Little by little you start to think about the future. But now everything is going so well. So much is happening. Why should I stop? I do I love my job and I love football. We’ll see what the future brings.”


2024-02-06 16:09:16
#retirement #hunt #greater #African #fame #search #eternal #fire #Hugo #Broos


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