NFL Star Julian Edelman’s Romantic Link to Shakira: A New Chapter in the NFL’s Hollywood Connections

NFL Star Julian Edelman’s Romantic Link to Shakira: A New Chapter in the NFL’s Hollywood Connections

After the obvious magnet of popularity and the profitable phenomenon that has resulted for the NFL the romantic relationship between the tight end of the Kansas City Chiefs Travis Kelce and the famous singer Taylor Swift, the world of tackling sport could well return to ‘related’ to the one in show business and with one of its greatest Latin stars.

And it is that the Colombian Shakiraa global phenomenon that also sells and very well in the United Stateshas put aside the rumors of romances with other characters such as English Formula 1 driver Lewis Hamilton or the Argentine music producer Rafael Arcauteto open her heart to a man who until now was off the radar of the press and that he had not been associated with the interpreter of “Barefoot”.

It is neither more nor less than the Former New England Patriots wide receiver Julian Edelmanwho was seen in very affectionate plan with the barranquilla during his birthday party in Miami on February 2nd.

“He is very interested”

The details of ‘Shakis’ invitation to the recipient have not been clarified neither by the parties, nor by any source close to them.except for the testimony of a reporter from the Univision “The Fat Man and the Skinny One” call Tanya Charry, who assures that although at the moment the relationship between both characters is not confirmed, The former player is very interested in the singer.

Edelman, father of a girl

Little is known about the private life of Edelman, who He retired from professional football in 2021.nation in Redwood City, Californiawas raised as a Christian, but accepted his Jewish faith recently, in addition to the fact that he is known to have paternity of a girl procreated with the model. Ella Rose and his taste for the women of that world after making public his relationship with the catwalk superstar Adriana Lima.

2024-02-14 01:47:00
#Taylor #Swift #Travis #Kelce #competition


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