Meloni: ‘I should be light but between Sardinia and Lent…’ – News

Meloni: ‘I should be light but between Sardinia and Lent…’ – News

“I know that a light intervention is expected but I wasn’t light even at 15 years old let alone after 16 months of government, then you invite me on the days when I lose Sardinia and I’m also doing Lent and I can’t even drown my sorrows in alcohol…”. Thus the Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in her speech at the dinner for correspondents of the foreign press.

For further information Agenzia ANSA Regionali Sardegna, Meloni-Tajani-Salvini: ‘Defeated, we will reflect on the mistakes’ – News – ‘Narrow victory for the centre-left in Sardinia’. Conte: ‘It’s a personal defeat for Meloni’. Schlein: ‘There is an alternative, the direction is right’ (ANSA)

“I have many of the seven deadly sins, almost all of them, but I don’t have the most devastating one for politicians which is that of vanity. Despite my face I’m not always angry, once to prove it to Ignazio La Russa I showed a photo of third elementary where I had this face. In reality, I am a person who loves to laugh, especially at myself”, says Meloni. Opening “this psychoanalytic session that we are having together this evening – the prime minister said jokingly – I will begin: good evening, I’m Giorgia, some would say I’m a woman, I’m a mother, I’m Christian, but in Rome they would say that we’ve already covered this up” .

Regional Videos Sardinia, Conte: ‘We always dialogue with healthy progressive forces’

“You can talk all you want about freedom of the press but the problem is that we risk erasing the press. Artificial intelligence is a great opportunity if governed, otherwise it can be a detonator. We risk an impact on the job market which concerns training highly qualified, such as journalism, which can be devastating”, said the Prime Minister, recalling that the topic of artificial intelligence will also be at the center of the work of the Italian-led G7.

Regional Videos Sardinia, Salvini: ‘When the people vote they are always right’

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2024-02-27 19:06:00
#Meloni #light #Sardinia #Lent.. #News


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