“It’s over now”: why, for Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, PSG no longer has a future at the Parc des Princes

“It’s over now”: why, for Nasser Al-Khelaïfi, PSG no longer has a future at the Parc des Princes

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The insult too many came on Tuesday, when the Paris Council declared the stadium in the 16th arrondissement unsaleable. A position which consolidated the inflexibility of the councilor on this issue. “It’s too easy to say now that the Park is no longer for sale,” laments Nasser Al-Khelaïfi. We know what we want, we wasted eight years. If the Town Hall had told us from the start that it wouldn’t be for sale, we would have already left. We don’t want to leave but they force us to leave. » According to the Qatari’s advisors, the point of no return has been reached.


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