“It’s not an untouchable Paris, they have flaws,” notes Brestois Magnetti

Captain for one evening, the Brest midfielder looks back on the elimination in Paris on Wednesday evening, in the round of 16.

Hugo Magnetti (Brest midfielder, after the 3-1 defeat in Paris ) : “We didn’t manage to get back into the match even though we started the second half well again. At halftime, we said to ourselves that we could still come back. If we stay at 11 against 11, maybe we can still shake them up. Unfortunately, we take this red (Brassier expelled in the 69th, Editor’s note) which puts us in difficulty. Afterwards, they played their game of rotating the ball well, it tired us, they put the third at the end. Europe at the end of the season? For the moment, we are not talking about it, it is still a long way off, there are still many matches to play. We stay with our dynamic, we try to take the matches one after the other, to take the points that we have to take. We are on the right path. We’ll see what we can do at the end of the season. We will play it to the fullest. This evening, we were focused on the Coupe de France, we wanted to make a big impact this evening. Unfortunately, it didn’t work… We have to focus on Clermont.

PSG untouchable? No, we proved it by coming back to the first leg, even if they won, and also the second leg. Today they won. But it is not an untouchable Paris. It’s a very good team, which has a well-defined style of play and which does it quite well. But like any team, they have flaws. For our part, we tried to play on their flaws. It worked for us. This evening, a little less… The rebound in Clermont? Yes, especially since there are teams that are coming back well behind like Rennes and Lens, who are starting to get back to the top of the table. It’s up to us to follow the pace of a big team. We have to get back on track straight away for the Clermont match and put in a big performance there. Objectives between players? For the moment, we’re not worrying too much. This is what makes us strong: we stay with our feet on the ground. There isn’t really a goal. Afterwards, if we continue like this, after a while, there will be other objectives in mind. But for now, we are focused on our path.”

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