Inés Hernand and Félix Gómez see firsthand the importance of preparing to go to Mars

Inés Hernand and Félix Gómez They travel on ‘Planeta Calleja’ to the Arredondo cave, in Cantabria, which has a replica of Mars on Earth. At the base of Astrolandthey know and learn in first person the high level of preparation which is necessary to carry out an expedition to the real Mars.

When Jesús Calleja asks the Astroland experts “why not everyone is worth going to mars?”, they explain that most of the Mars travel simulations have ended badly, and clarify that, although anyone can embark on an exploration of Mars, not everyone is equally prepared. “In fact, what we do here is that they be prepared to go much further“, they explain to Jesús Calleja.

In the preparation classesInés Hernand and Félix Gómez learn that, faced with a unforeseen realitylike those that can occur in a real expedition to Mars, a mental action and another emotional one until the action.

“90% will pass through the mental filter unconsciously; he 10%, consciouslywhat we call act in full consciousness and that’s why we are here,” explains another of the Astroland preparers to the actor and the communicator.

In the history class about Mars, Inés Hernand and Félix Gómez They know curious facts about Marslike what received the name of the god of war in Roman mythology, who of satellitesPhobos and Deimos, are by the names of the sons of Ares or who have a 1% atmospheric pressure than the Earth has.

Inés Hernand and Félix Gómez also learn that during the ‘Planeta Calleja’ mission, they are going to have to play a role of commander, in command, and another, of engineer. “You have to identify who is going to make the decisions”, they highlight from Astroland.

Once on the ship, Ines and Felix they have to face a sleep test e Inés claims the importance of presence of women in special missions.


2024-02-19 23:50:49
#Inés #Hernand #Félix #Gómez #firsthand #importance #preparing #Mars


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