II ‘Unstoppable’ Meeting Showcases Adaptable Sports in Pedro Delgado Pavilion

He Pedro Delgado Pavilion has once again become the epicenter of adapted sports in the province with the II ‘Unstoppable’ Meeting organized by the Segovian Sports Press Association which has had the participation of almost 150 athletes from Third Sector associations who work with people with different abilities and who have once again demonstrated that there are no limits when you have the best attitude. ASPACE Segovia, Autismo Segovia, the Brothers of the White Cross, Down Segovia and Amanecer Segovia, Fundación Personas APADEFIM and CAPDI Los Juncos have been present at this event that, thanks to the collaboration of Forus Segovia and Fundación Forus, has begun with a Zumba masterclass that has turned out to be the best starting point for the participants to become familiar with the environment and begin to enjoy an afternoon full of activities among which badminton, table tennis, soccer, hockey, passing through different psychomotor circuits, initiation to the jöelette, which is a wheelchair adapted to be able to climb the mountain or basketball in a wheelchair.

To accompany them in this bet designed to suit them, they have had an exceptional godfather, the actor Jose de Luna who embodies the character of Juanma in the movie Champions and that he has arrived in Segovia accompanied by Edu Lukybecause together they form the comic duo ‘Two-abled’. José de Luna has participated in all the dynamics and has not stopped taking photos with everyone who has approached him throughout the afternoon.

As has been pointed out by the president of the ASPD, Elena Gutiérrez “All this would not have been possible without the coordination, effort, knowledge and, above all, the enthusiasm of the four people who believed in our idea last year: José Luis Arnanz, Mario Calvo, Luis Gómez and Darío Pérez” who “They have managed to improve the first test of 2023, to demonstrate how well things can be done when we row together in the same direction.”

In addition, this year, the students of the highest degree of TSEAS from IES La Albuera that “they have done everything they can to ensure that everything has gone ahead and they have managed to infect us with their enthusiasm even in the preparatory meetings.” On the other hand, more than twenty volunteers with the degree of Teaching of the Uva and Intermediate Degree of Guide in the natural environment and in free time, have contributed to the great development of the activities.

So, if last year, the ASPD “threatened” to consolidate this event on the calendar, this time it has been demonstrated that “we want to be unstoppable and continue giving this Meeting all the support and notoriety it deserves, since having the support from Fundación La Caixa through CaixaBank, which helps us financially, from Forus Segovia, which has also provided personalized t-shirts with the image of the event to all participants, from Food from Segovia and the Municipal Sports Institute“It is essential for us to move forward.” Present at the meeting were the Sports Deputy, Oscar Moralthe Councilor for Sports, Jesús Garrido, and several councilors from the Segovia city council, as well as the director of the CaixaBank Business Area in Segovia, Sonia de Andrés and the director of Forus Segovia, Maria Moreno.

Sports Gala

This activity is the starting signal for the Sports Gala, which will be held on Friday, February 2 at 7:00 p.m. at the Juan Bravo Theater and which, in addition, this year will be broadcast live through the website of the ASPD, www.prensadeportivadesegovia.esthanks to the collaboration of the Segovian company MISES Audiovisual Production, which also joins the list of collaborators of the association.

2024-01-31 23:55:05
#Unstoppable #Pedro #Delgado


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