From Dunce to Notable Person: The Whirlwind Life of a Chic Parisian Man

From Dunce to Notable Person: The Whirlwind Life of a Chic Parisian Man

Man is a whirlwind. A chic man with a thousand lives, capable of telling the story of a Parisian youth, the 1999 Tour de France, his friendship with Patrick Montel, his last performance for Clemessy, his work with Omar Sy, his love of Mulhouse, the animation of the race of Mulhouseiennes… and his role as a notable person of the 19th century in the Terra Alsatia sound and light show which will begin on Thursday February 22 in the Saint-Étienne church in Mulhouse (our previous editions).

Impossible to note everything, just find a common thread of this life at 100 miles per hour which passes through Wissembourg where he was born, Paris where he grew up, Aix-en-Provence, Galfingue and Mulhouse. This thread is the passion for theater, for playing, for speaking to as many people as possible.

Of dunce during Florent

“I was a dunce. I had my baccalaureate and I didn’t want to…

2024-02-17 05:03:00
#Portrait #Cours #Florent #courts #RolandGarros #Terra #Alsatia


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