Escandell, sanctioned for two games for his protests at Granada-UD in the League

Escandell, sanctioned for two games for his protests at Granada-UD in the League

The Disciplinary Committee of the Royal Spanish Football Federation has sanctioned of the suspension parties to Aaron Scandell for his “protests to the referee” in addition to including an “ancillary fine in the amount of €700 for the club and €600 for the offender” after the goalkeeper he blurted out to Mateo Busquets Ferrer’s assistant, the Granada-UD referee last Saturday: ““It was a very clear attack, go there, if you weren’t even watching the action!”

In this way, Escandell will not be able to sit on the bench this Saturday to play the match against the Valencia (8:00 p.m., Movistar LaLiga) and he will also miss the visit of the yellow team to the Metropolitano to face the Atlético de Madrid next February 17 (1:00 p.m.).

Minutes of the Disciplinary Committee explaining the sanction to Aarón Escandell / RFEF

So that, Ale Gorrín will now have the status of being the substitute goalkeeper of Alvaro Vallesimmovable in all three suits by accumulating all the minutes played in the 23 league matches held to date.

No previous experience

Unfortunately, Zamora of the League does not have an injury or a possible expulsion during these two games, because without Escandell on the bench, he would have to assume the responsibility of replacing Valles. a player who has not yet been able to gain experience in elite matches. Not even in the Copa del Rey.

In this sense, we will also have to wait for the call for Saturday’s clash to know if the third goalkeeper position that Gorrín usually occupies, would now have to be occupied by Álvaro Killane, the starting goalkeeper of Las Palmas Atlético, or one of the of the Honor Division youth team: Israel Mora, who was the starter in the Cup; Carlos Boga.

2024-02-07 13:19:54
#Escandell #sanctioned #games #protests #GranadaUD #League


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