DIF Michoacán Children and Adolescents Shine in State Judo and Taekwondo Tournaments

Morelia, Michoacán, February 19, 2024.- Girls, boys and adolescents in residential care of the DIF Michoacán System, experienced a sports weekend, since seventeen of them managed to join the Michoacán national team in the State Judo Tournament 2024, by obtaining eight gold, six silver and seven bronze medals, reported the general director of the state organization, Óscar Celis Silva.

In addition, by participating as athletes in the Michoacan team, they can qualify for the national games organized by the National Commission of Physical Culture and Sports (Conade), the state official mentioned.

He added that this weekend has been special for the DIF Michoacán System in sports, since last Sunday children from the Social Assistance Centers (CAS) won second place in the 2024 Taekwondo Tournament, thanks to the obtaining two gold medals and one silver by the girls of the CAS Gertrudis Bocanegra, and seven gold medals and two silver by the children of the CAS Vivan los Niños, for their part, the girls and boys of Casa Cuna achieved a gold medal, two silver and three bronze, when competing in said Taekwondo tournament.

In addition to the above, children and adolescents from the Social Assistance Centers (CAS), Gertrudis Bocanegra and Vivan los Niños, participated in the scouts’ weekend activities that took place in Morelia, where fun and discipline were They were present, since the values ​​and principles that these groups obey were remembered.

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2024-02-19 22:10:58
#Seventeen #children #adolescents #join #Michoacan #judo #team #Nsíntesis


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