COSNA/CNSP Shows Support Through Martial Arts Demonstrations

COSNA/CNSP Shows Support Through Martial Arts Demonstrations

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On Sunday February 18, 2024 in the afternoon, the official forum served as the framework for a statement of support from COSNA/CNSP. During this ceremony, demonstrations of martial arts namely taekwondo, judo, fencing, karate were presented to the public who strongly applauded the athletes.

In his speech on this occasion, the Secretary General of the Regional Coordination of COSNA first thanked the Martial Arts Collective who wanted to accompany them in this ceremony of support for the AES. Elhadj Katchelma Grema Boucar to recall the determination, courage, sense of responsibility, pragmatism and foresight of all members of the CNSP and the Government under the leadership of Brigadier General Abdourahamane Tiani to recover our national sovereignty with dignity and honor.

“Through this ceremony, we want to salute and sincerely thank our valiant leaders, worthy sons of the Sahel, who work tirelessly to create optimal conditions for the well-being of our communities with strict respect for our dignity. These worthy sons of the Sahel are Colonel Assimi Goita, Captain Ibrahim Traoré and Brigadier General Abdourahamane Tiani,” declared the SG of regional coordination of COSNA.

Finally, Elhadj Katchelma Grema Boucar solemnly welcomed the withdrawal of Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger from ECOWAS. “It’s a courageous and very thoughtful decision. We ask our communities in the Sahel to continue to support our leaders in their noble mission of reconquering our sovereignty, we are resolutely committed to this irreversible fight,” he added.

The Secretary General of the Prefecture of Diffa appreciated the initiative of this support which is necessary in view of the laudable efforts constantly deployed by the new authorities with the aim of restoring the dignity of the People. Mr. Breme Mamane presented his congratulations and encouragement to the Regional Coordination of COSNA and to all the FDS gathered within the National Council for the Protection of the Fatherland (CNSP), under the far-sighted presidency of Brigadier General Abdourahamane Tiani, President of the CNSP, Head of State.

Mato Adamou ONEP Diffa

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2024-02-20 21:12:09
#Diffa #COSNACNSP #unwavering #support #AES


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