Castelfiorentino-Zenith Prato: the first thirty of the Brigades

When we talk about an ultras group, especially in relation to the period that the entire movement is experiencing, which finds itself fighting daily against bans, repression and so on and so forth, it is always nice to celebrate an important anniversary.

Celebrating thirty years of militancy, in a reality like Castelfiorentino, is not at all something to be taken for granted. First of all because as a geographical position, being close to Florence and even more so to Empoli, it is clearly subject to seeing a large part of its fans taken away.

But the problem, put like this, is objectively oversimplified.

Basically, throughout the Empoli-Valdelsa area, despite being an area represented by many teams at an amateur level, there is no other organization of organized support.

While in other regions or provinces I observe how different groups are formed, usually made up of ten to fifteen people, who follow their country’s team, in these areas experiencing the match in a certain way does not seem to take root. This premise is to say that fans like the Castellana one must be preserved. That these thirty years represent a considerable achievement. Supported by the fact that, despite the efforts, there is no sign of even the slightest generational change on the horizon.

Personally, regarding this last point, I struggle to understand; However, I cannot even have the presumption of thinking that I was right, who as a child and during my adolescence lived waiting for Sunday, compared to many kids today who have other passions and other interests. I wasn’t wrong, they weren’t wrong. Times are changing. But it is clear that the stadium, unfortunately, attracts little in these parts.

The Yellow and Blue Brigades were born in 1994, from the initiative of three/four guys who then had the desire to give a minimum of organization and an ultras soul to a fan base who, after having participated for seven seasons, from 1982 to 1989, in what was then it was the Interregional championship, it seemed to have lost a bit of enthusiasm due to the return to the regional championships.

The banner made its debut in Eccellenza’s match against Pisa, at that time forced to start again from the top regional category after the failure that had put an end to the glorious Anconetani era.

Over the years the presence has always been constant, although often made up of just a few units, unfortunately the result of the Italian habit (but probably also found beyond the border) of assiduously following the events of one’s team only in the case of positive results.

In 2001, when three of us met during a trip to Massa, a friendship with the group was born T-Shirt Massintrigued and respectful of this small group who, despite the small number, still showed up following their team in a stadium and against one of the most renowned fans at regional level.

The Brigades they experienced a turning point during the 2005/2006 season, when a group of younger boys began to frequent the stands of the Castellano facility. This new blood has thus made it possible to increase the ranks of the group, bringing it to more dignified numbers and allowing a continuity in the presence that would have been difficult to maintain for those who had been part of it since its inception.

In 2014 a friendship was also born with the guys in the group Hurricane Cep of Messina, carried out despite the distance, thanks to the good relationships between some of the kids from the respective groups.

However, the episode that happened in 2015 deserves further investigation: five boys, among the youngest of the group, were warned for five years, with signature attached, for the crime of resisting a public official. They will subsequently be acquitted, obviously with a warning served.

Furthermore, it should be noted that, since Castelfiorentino does not have a police station, every Sunday they had to go to Empoli, located about ten km away. And since there was clearly more than one signature, they were – for obvious reasons – “forced” to remain in the Tuscan town until all the subscriptions had been completed. This is to reiterate how, too often, these measures affect people who later turn out to be innocent.

As in Castelfiorentino, we cannot forget how many kids throughout Italy subjected to Daspo have to spend Sundays or even worse, given the crazy schedules of many matches, weekdays in police stations, facing legal costs and trials, only to be acquitted of all charges.

Lately, there have been those who have proposed a national day against violence in stadiums. These gentlemen, always ready to point the finger at our movement, should also be reminded of the many injustices that the ultras have suffered over the years and continue to suffer today, in spite of those who define the stadiums as “free zones”.

Returning more specifically to the site, these warnings clearly had important repercussions on the yellow and blue fans: despite this, no one gave up an inch and the “Castello” continued to have its following every Sunday.

Therefore, the pride of having carried one’s banners everywhere remains, with the satisfaction of having also met some fallen nobles such as Pistoiese, Lucchese, Grosseto, Livorno in addition to the aforementioned Massese and Pisa.

Certainly, for anyone who knows the panorama of Tuscan cheering, the Brigades they have been a constant presence for thirty years now.

Coming to today’s match, at the entrance a sheet is displayed on a yellow background with the lily symbol representing the city of Castelfiorentino and the writing “30”. All accompanied by some smoke bombs.

Their cheering starts off well, with dry and responsive chants, accompanied by a drum.

However, everything was nullified by a performance, that of the local team, who in a key match to try to save themselves, saw fit to give away two goals to their opponents, one with a sensational own goal and the other the result of an unfortunate back pass.

Obviously this infuriates the home fans who, already disheartened by a championship that was nothing short of desolate, both in terms of results and performances, begin to rail against the eleven on the pitch, inviting them to fight and show off their attributes.

In the second half it was decided to start singing again and, for a good quarter of an hour, the Castellana fans maintained an excellent level, with choruses sung at length, including the classic “My love, you don’t be jealous…”.

Also worth mentioning is the beautiful flag that will be proudly waved throughout the match, demonstrating the love for one’s colors and one’s group, regardless of results and category.

Unfortunately, however, the result on the pitch does not change and indeed, the third goal of the visiting team also exasperates the spirits, disputed because it was scored with a home player on the ground. Obviously the climate at that point becomes even more tense and the epithets towards the referee and opposing players are abound.

The match therefore ends with a net three to zero in favor of the guests and Castelfiorentino who, at this point, find themselves last in the standings, with one foot and perhaps something more in Promotion.

At the end of the day I go home satisfied: I saw a simple fan base, aware of their numerical limits, but who pay attention to substance. To being present and supporting your team wherever they play, to not biting off more than you can chew and to experiencing friendship within the group.

Therefore, best wishes Brigate, to the next thirty!

Matteo Biondi

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2024-02-11 16:39:55
#CastelfiorentinoZenith #Prato #Brigades


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