Arrests Made in Connection with Tav Construction Site Manager Beating in Montebello

Montebello Vicentino

They are the alleged commissioners of the beating against the director of the works which took place last May in Montebello

A frame of the video of the ambush taken in May in Montebello

A frame of the video of the ambush taken in May in Montebello

It goes up to five the number of people arrested for the beating of the Tav construction site manager a Fracanzana di Montebello, which occurred last spring. In September they ended up in handcuffs three alleged perpetrators materials of the attack. Yesterday, those who are considered by investigators to be also taken to prison the principals. The two precautionary measures were carried out at the end of a blitz carried out by the carabinieri of the investigative unit in Milanese. Maximum confidentiality applies to the operation, because the work of the prosecutor’s office and detectives could lead to further developments.

The beating of the manager of the Tav construction site dates back to May 2nd

According to the reconstruction of the investigators, the commando made up of three people had reached Fracanzana aboard an SUV, whose license plate had been changed. As soon as the technical director of Salcef, the Roman company that is carrying out the works for the TAV, had left the construction site area, the attackers had blocked the road with their vehicle. After that they had they threw the manager to the ground and beat him to death, also using a baseball bat. For about twenty seconds the thugs, all with distorted faces, had hit him repeatedly in the arms and legs. Only the intervention of Salcef employees and workers had avoided worse consequences for the victim, who had still suffered several fractures. At that point, the trio got back into their SUV and drove off at full speed.

The police investigation

The investigation by the Carabinieri, coordinated by the prosecutor’s office, started from the analysis of the camera footage installed to protect the construction site. After months and months spent working under the radar, the investigators had managed to trace the alleged attackers. In September, precautionary custody orders were carried out against Michele Liborio Ferrario, Leonardo Belandri and Alessandro Paolo D’Aronzo, residents between the provinces of Milan and Monza Brianza, already known to the police. One of them had also been subjected to the alternative measure of probationary custody to social services for over a year and could not leave Lombardy. The trio then made a silent scene in front of the judge.

The instigators of the beating arrested in the Milan area. The investigations continue

The investigators’ work continued to close the circle also around the alleged instigators that they would have hired the thugs. Until yesterday morning, when the police had them arrested in MilanesAnd. Their names were not disclosed.

According to what has been possible to reconstruct, one of the two recipients of the new precautionary custody orders in prison would have received an anti-mafia disqualification measure in the past. The motive for the beating was of an economic nature. Further investigations are still underway on the matter.

2024-02-07 04:09:55
#instigators #ambush #Tav #construction #site #caught


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