VI Solidarity Basketball Tournament to Benefit the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) in Torrox


Torrox will host this coming Sunday, January 7, between 9:30 and 8:00 p.m. in the Municipal Pavilion of La Granja the VI Solidarity Basketball Tournament to benefit the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) of the town. This is an event organized by the Torrox Basketball Club and the City Council that has the collaboration of numerous institutions and companies. The mayor, Óscar Medina, has valued the work of both the club and the area councilor, José Manuel Fernández, in promoting sports in Torrox. The mayor has also thanked the support of collaborators and companies in this tournament, as well as the work of the AECC, “one of the associations we are most fond of in Torrox.”

For his part, the Councilor for Sports, José Manuel Fernández, has encouraged all residents “to come and enjoy this beautiful tournament that combines the practice of sport and solidarity.” He has also congratulated the Torrox Basketball Club for its promotion of this sport in the municipality and for “solidarity initiatives like these.” The tournament will feature the participation of six teams, the Torrox Basketball Club itself; Torre Basket Tower of Torre del Mar; Rincón de la Victoria Basketball Club; Nerja Basket Youth Club; Marists of Malaga; and Club Baloncesto Andersen, also from Malaga.

José Manuel López, president of the club, explained that the teams participating in the tournament will range from baby to children’s categories. The money raised, through a donation of tickets for two euros, will go entirely to the AECC. At lunch time, attendees can enjoy migas and arriera salad as well as a barbecue at popular prices. For López, “the best basketball in the province” will come together in this tournament.

Finally, the member of the AECC of Torrox, Carmen Cortés, thanked the club, the City Council and all the businesses in the municipality and other parts of Axarquía and the province for their collaboration. Cortes, who indicated that Torrox has proven to be “a very supportive town”, also recalled that at the association’s headquarters “all the people who need it have a place to receive care and support.”

2024-01-06 02:11:36
#Torrox #host #Solidarity #Basketball #Tournament #benefit #AECC


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