Understanding the sentence “Was ist dein Ziel im Judo?” in German

Yes, the sentence “Was ist dein Ziel im Judo?” is grammatically correct in German. It translates to “What is your goal in Judo?” in English.

In this sentence, “Was” means “What,” “ist” means “is,” “dein” means “your,” “Ziel” means “goal,” “im” is a contraction of “in dem” which means “in the,” and “Judo” is the same in both languages.

Here are a few examples of how you can use this sentence:

– What is your goal in judo? (What is your goal in Judo?)
– My goal in judo is to achieve black belt. (My goal in Judo is to achieve the black belt.)
– The main goal in judo is to throw the opponent. (The main goal in Judo is to throw the opponent.)

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.

2024-01-16 10:33:55
#sentence #natural #goal #judo #goal #judo


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