Trieste Airport’s Villaraspa Takes the Win at Curling Bisiac Final

Villaraspa beats Svolemo on the gias and wins the final of Curling Bisiac, the sport with pots on ice. As usual in Ronchi there was great participation, both from the teams and the public. Having eliminated last edition’s champions, Vermean’s Elks, who finished in twentieth place, as mentioned, the final rewarded Villaraspa. These are the names of the winners, employees of Trieste Airport: Mina Dell’Anna, Cino De Luca, Luca Pizzin, Onofrio Sartor, Franco Todon and Stefano Travain.

2024-01-08 18:21:19
#Curling #Bisiac #Villaraspa #triumphs #Ronchi


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