The History and Evolution of Kurash: From Ancient Tradition to International Sport

Kurash is one of the oldest traditional fighting styles known to humanity. According to research, the sport emerged in the territory of the current Republic of Uzbekistan at least 3,500 years ago.

Almost 2500 years ago Herodotus, the Greek philosopher and historian in his famous books called “Histories”, says that Kurash is a common practice for people living in the territory where present-day Uzbekistan is located.

The great oriental scientist and the creator of the science of modern medicine – Avicenna (Abu Ali Ibn Sina), who lived in the 10th century in Bukhara, writes that the practice of Kurash is the best way to maintain the health of the body and mind. spirit.

In the 14th century Amir Timur, one of the most prominent statesmen in history used the Kurash in his army for physical training and self-defense. It is well known that Timur’s army conquered half of the world and was never defeated.

THE AUTHOR is president of the Pan American Judo and Kurash Union.

Centuries passed and Kurash has become one of the most popular and respected traditions of the people of Uzbekistan. The Uzbeks say that Kurash is in their genes, in their blood. Today there are more than two million Kurash fighters in Uzbekistan

In Uzbek, “Kurash” means “to achieve a goal in an honest way.” In its day, this fighting technique was used during wars to protect the population. Men flaunted their mastery of the Kurash during weddings, festivals and national and local celebrations and, as we have already indicated, it is mentioned in numerous ancient historical and literary sources.

In Central Asia, the technique, tradition, rules and philosophy of Kurash fighting were passed orally from generation to generation, from father to son. The first attempt to gather and summarize this knowledge was made in 1990.

Prior to this, Kurash was not considered an independent sport subject to a series of rules and requirements. Many local athletes, trained in the Kurash fighting style since childhood, later fell in love with the sport and began to try various disciplines, eventually becoming champions and winners of world awards.

The inability to pursue a professional sporting career only motivated a team of people to focus their attention on transforming the national Kurash struggle into an international sporting discipline that could be part of the Olympic Games programme.

Thus, work began on a set of Kurash wrestling rules and for this purpose, they analyzed the rules of various sports disciplines that were part of the Olympic Games program. The rules unified the ancient tradition of Kurash with the sporting requirements of today.

The concept of the weight category, Kurash movements, terminology based on 14 Uzbek words was introduced and the duration of the fight was established. He designed the uniform of athletes and judges and other attributes without which modern sport would be difficult to imagine. The discipline is practiced by children, youth, seniors and masters, women and men.

In 1992, with the personal support of the President of Uzbekistan, the first international Kurash competition for the President’s Prize was held. It was dedicated to the memory of the great medieval commander Amir Timur. To date, several hundred international competitions have taken place in various parts of the world, as well as uninterrupted continental Kurash championships in Africa, Europe, Asia, Oceania and all of America.

With these initiatives, an international congress was held on September 6, 1998 in the capital of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, in which teams from 28 countries participated. The congress made a unanimous decision to support the initiative to create a new international organization under the name of International Kurash Association (IKA). As a result, this day is remembered by all Kurash followers as the day of transformation of traditional wrestling into a new type of international sport.

Since 1998, Kurash confederations have been officially formalized on 5 continents (in Africa, America, Europe, Asia and Oceania), and 136 national Kurash federations have been created.

Since 2018, Kurash was recognized as an Asian sport and was officially included in all continental games held on the Asian continent. This allowed Kurash competitions to be included in the program of the Asian Summer Games, Asian Indoor Games, Asian Beach Games and Asian Martial Arts Games.

The Pan American Kurash Union (UPK) is part of the structure of the International Kurash Association and annually holds training courses and seminars, as well as the Pan American Championships in Children, Youth and Seniors, both men and women, and likewise the National Federations hold their own events.

Currently the Kurash is already included in the competition program of the European and African Games and the Islamic Solidarity Games, among others. The main goal is to include the Kurash in the summer Olympics program.


2024-01-18 07:05:33
#Kurash #Mother #Martial #Arts #OPINION


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