the best for having perfect buttocks

Free body glute exercises to do without equipment are: best for obtaining strong, firm, high and perfect buttocks. Having toned buttocks is the goal of many, women and men, young and old, but it’s not just an aesthetic thing. The buttocks are also very important from a functional point of view because the 3 muscles that compose them (small, medium and large gluteus) play a fundamental role as a hinge between the upper and lower parts of the body, particularly in the posterior muscle chain. The gluteus maximus is the largest and most powerful muscle in the human body, and as a whole the glutes perform a lot of essential functions. For example, we would not be able to sit or stand up without these muscles, we would not be able to abduct, rotate, flex and extend the hip, we would not be able to run, walk or climb stairs. But there is no doubt that for many men and women the most important aspect of the B-side is also the aesthetic one, that is, having round, firm, protruding and high buttocks. What few people know is that this It also depends a lot on posture, and partly from genetics, i.e. from an accentuated lumbar lordosis, i.e. a slight curve of the spine at the level of the loins. But even those with a reduced lumbar curve can still tone their buttock muscles with a few simple free-body buttock exercises.

The best free body exercises for the glutes

There is an interesting biomechanical aspect to understand for choose the best glute workout: these 3 muscles in fact work best when the feet are constrained and/or when the hip flexion is equal to or greater than 90°. To give a simple and practical example: doing squats is excellent for the buttocks, doing them by going down to 90° of hip bending (i.e. more or less with the thighs parallel to the ground) is the best way, doing them by going down beyond 90 ° (i.e. the complete squat) is the way to obtain the maximum result from muscular effort. This because by flexing the hip the muscles stretch and the more they stretch the more the expression of strength increases, maximizing the effects of training. All this without having to resort to overloads such as weights and using only the weight of your body.

From this brief and simplified theoretical explanation it is then easy to understand which are the best free body exercises for the buttocks to include in your training to obtain perfect, firm, high and strong buttocks. Like the following.

Donkey Kick
A classic for the buttocks, the donkey kick: you stand on all fours and then swing one leg backwards at a time, lifting your knee off the ground and bringing your foot upwards.

Bridge Pose
The reverse bridge: you position yourself on your back, with your knees bent and your feet resting on the ground, and you lift your pelvis by contracting your buttocks. It can be done dynamically, going up and down at a regular speed, or isometrically, assuming the raised position and maintaining it for a few dozen seconds.

Straight Leg Donkey Kick
The kick back, or donkey kick, performed by extending the leg behind you rather than bringing the foot upwards with the leg bent.

Butt Kicks
A kind of race kicked on the spot. You position yourself by placing your hands on a support, for example a chair, and bend your knees, bringing your heels to touch your buttocks. It can be done more or less dynamically and quickly.

Roughly translated, the little dog that pees. The position is the same in quadrupedia as the Donkey Kick, except that instead of swinging the leg back, it is raised laterally, with the knee still flexed, abducting the hip.

Bridge Kicker
Like the reverse bridge, but once the raised position is assumed, one leg is extended, keeping the thigh parallel to the other.

Bridge Marching
The evolution of the Bridge Kicker: you start from the reverse bridge position, take one foot off the ground, extend your leg forward and then bring it up, perpendicular to the ground.

Sumo Squat
A variation of the full squat, which takes its name from the sumo wrestler’s position, and which differs in the position of the legs further apart and with the feet oriented outwards, to work the inside of the thighs even more.

Leg and buttock training without equipment

The classic forward lunges, to be performed both on the spot (therefore returning to the starting upright position) and by advancing a lunge step after the top. The secret is not to bring the knee of the front leg further forward than the toe, and to bring the knee of the back leg to touch the ground just under the buttocks.

Back & Forth Squat
Dynamic squats that are performed by doing a leap with two feet forward followed by a squat and, once the standing position has returned, doing a leap with two feet back.

Rear Lunges
Back lunges, which work with the same principles as forward lunges but with some differences better explained in this article.

Frog Jumps
The frog jump, which is like the Back and Forth Squats but performing the squats after each leap with two feet forwards and backwards.

What can I say… the famous and very useful squats, the best exercise for the buttocks ever (but pay attention to these 4 mistakes that everyone makes!)

Bouncing Squats
Variation on the squat theme, with a small bounce from the maximum squatting position to maximize the stretching of the gluteal muscles

Jump Squats
Another classic variation of squats which involves jumping on the spot after pushing up to return to the standing position

Outer Tigh Raises
Straight-legged stretches, an excellent exercise to refine and define the shape of the buttocks even better: you position yourself on the ground on your side, and raise your leg high, keeping it extended.

Thighs and buttocks training

Or clamshell, literally the mollusk. In practice it involves simulating the valves of molluscs with your legs. From the position on the ground on one side, with the legs together and the knees semi-flexed, lift the upper knee bringing the hip into abduction. For those looking for something more challenging, you can use an elastic band around the knees to offer a little resistance.

Deadlifts, which are usually performed with the barbell and are a classic of body building. Many think that they are useful for the back and legs, but performed free body they are also perfect for the buttocks, because they insist on the 2 key principles of exercises for these muscles, the bound feet and the pelvis at 90°.

Curtsey Lunges
That is, you lunge backwards crossing the back leg. A great free body classic for those who want sexy legs and firm buttocks. And they can also be done by simulating the hands of the clock like this.

Fire Hydrant
Practically the same exercise also called Doggy, or the little dog that pees

Thigh Flys
An excellent free body exercise not only for the buttocks but also for toning the inner thighs. From the supine position, lift the legs, stretching them together upwards and then spreading them outwards.

If you have a Swiss ball at home, you can also try these other simple exercises.

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2024-01-26 08:08:12
#perfect #buttocks


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