Sand extraction ordered to be suspended in Lebanon

The Regional Directorate of the Ministry of the Environment (MiAmbiente), in Panama Oeste, ordered the suspension of sand extraction within a private property in dispute, located in Playa Caracol, district of El Lebanon, district of Chame.

The regional director, Eduardo Arauz, confirmed that Evaluation and Monitoring, Protected Areas, Coasts and Seas personnel carried out an inspection of Playa Caracol, where they located machinery and piles of sand.

By June 2023, a group of people had reported to the Public Ministry (MP) the alleged commission of an environmental crime due to the extraction of sand at this site.

Arauz indicated that an investigation was initiated by MiAmbiente to determine the existence or not of damages, in addition to summoning all the people involved.

The technical team in charge of the investigation will be the one to determine the amount of sand extracted and piled on the site, which will be reported to the MP to be annexed to the ongoing criminal process.

In addition to determining the destination and use of the sand that was being extracted, said the MiAmbiente official.

Within the file of the administrative process opened by MiAmbiente there is a permit issued by the Municipality of Chame for the extraction of rough and earth at this site.

The farm where the sand extraction was carried out is in a litigation process, which has been going on for several years.

2024-01-28 15:55:53
#Sand #extraction #ordered #suspended #Lebanon


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