San Antonio Spurs Grapple with Injuries and Losses in Challenging NBA Season

Beyond the losses that are accumulating this year for San Antonio – the last one this past morning against Memphis by 106-98 –, recently they have had to face other difficulties in the form of injuries.

A few days ago we learned that Zach Collins had suffered a sprained right ankle that would keep him out of action for two to four weeks. Well, he is now joined by Malakin Branham, who sprained his ankle last night against Memphis to be forced to leave the field; reports Tom Orsborn of San Antonio Express News.

Gregg Popovich is clear that the Texas team’s year is one of learning, so he is in no hurry with Branham, number 20 in the 2022 draft. “It is a completely new world for him and he absorbs new things in each game, basically trying to figure out his role. And it is a difficult role. In some ways, it’s the hardest thing to do on the court. He’s been able to understand how he can help the team, being aggressive, making decisions and all that kind of stuff. “He’s dealing with all that and it’s been going well so far,” he says. head coach of the Spurs.

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Regarding Collins’ situation, the player himself explains that the franchise takes care of them in detail. «They take care of your body. They are very affectionate with the players in that sense. Pop is one of the best I’ve ever met with that stuff. They care about your career. We all appreciate how they do it », he concludes.

(Photo by Stacy Revere/Getty Images)

2024-01-03 10:00:00
#double #problem #Spurs


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