Preview of the Archery Tournament with Olympic Athletes


A tournament with an Olympic accent

This being an Olympic year, the recurve categories will be particularly scrutinized. Among the participants, more than forty have already been selected or are in the running for a place in Paris. Several leading athletes will be present, such as the world number 1, the Brazilian Marcus D’Almeidathe Czech world champion Marie Horackovaand Olympic medalists like the American Brady Ellison or the Germans Michelle Kroppen and Charline Schwarz team bronze medalists in Tokyo and reigning world champions.

This first big confrontation of the year is particularly awaited by observers. After a winter dedicated to in-depth work, the aim will be to identify the fittest athletes in the race for the Olympic podium before the start of the World Cups in April.

On the French side, seven of the eight athletes from the Olympic collective will participate in the event, including the local Jean-Charles Valladont, Baptiste Addis et Victoria Sebastian. For their only stint in the indoor discipline, before returning outside, the French archers hope to shine like in recent years when we were able to witness the victory of Thomas Chirault against Baptiste Addis (2023) and that of Lisa Barbelin in front of Caroline Lopez (2022).

2024-01-18 09:48:34
#Occitanie #Nîmes #Archery #Tournament #launch #international #year


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