Pergine’s Triumph: The red and white celebrate victory in the Coppa Italia, making history

The red and white dance in the yellow and black cathedral

Now the Trentino team and fans celebrate together on the ice. More videos and photos coming soon

Above, however, at the top is the photo of Alessandro Umberto Galbiati of Pergine with the Cup

Here is the video of the Pergine party seen from the ice

The celebrations continue on the ice while, a little while ago, there was a bad gesture, already seen, from the ice towards some Varese fans but we keep our mouths shut so as not to ruin the moment and be more sporting than those who aren’t

While Pergine takes the Cup that belonged to Varese VareseWe would like to elect its personal MVP this evening: the 754 spectators present, after the dream snatched from the Mastini yesterday, demonstrate how much hockey is in the heart of Varese

Caldaro is applauded very sportingly by the public: the battle against Varese left its mark, draining nervous energy and brilliance

Here is the video of the Trentinos’ final party

Caldaro’s MVP is Alex Andergassen and Pergine’s MVP is Rudy Rigoni. The goalkeepers, true number 1s, were rewarded

Meanwhile Andrea Gios, president of the Federghiaccio, and Walter Andriolo, number one of the League, will reward Caldaro and Pergine in the middle of the ice of the Acinque Ice Arena

Below is Lemay’s empty net goal that closed the game

Great celebration among the very warm Trentino fans: it is the first tricolor ribbon for Pergine


58’02” PERGINE GOAL Lemay with an empty net: the Canadian delivers the first Italian Cup in history to the Trentino team

58′ Rigoni scores the 2-3. Caldaro always with an empty goal

57′ Last time out of hope for the South Tyroleans, who will then remove the goalkeeper

57′ It seems over for Caldaro

56′ Someone on the Pergine bench is already hugging

55′ Volcan fails to make it 2-3. Yesterday it would never have happened…

52′ Caldaro saved in these two minutes with 4 men

50′ Penalty for Caldaro (De Donà): decisive opportunity for the Trentino team to secure the match and the Cup

47′ Last 13 minutes of hope for Caldaro: it would be the third consecutive final lost for a team that, in any case, won a lot

45′ We continue like this, with Caldaro a little out of adrenaline even if he hasn’t given up

41′ Off to the final period: Caldaro has a real challenge ahead of them, so far they have seemed drained of nervous energy after having withstood and defeated the blow of Varese and yesterday’s 1,100

End of 2nd period: only one opportunity for Caldaro to reopen it, too little. We are twenty minutes away from the first Italian Cup in Pergine’s history

37′ Penalty against Caldaro: Pergine could close or close to the final

35′ Nothing to do for the South Tyroleans, they have been playing for 15 minutes but can’t find the right space in front of Rigoni

31′ Caldaro continues to play, who will now also have numerical superiority to reopen the final

27′ Caldaro has rekindled the batteries, as a great hockey expert next to us says

25′ Graf del Caldaro face to face in front of Rigoni: it doesn’t work!

23′ However, the response from the Varese public was great (the mayor Davide Galimberti was also present, like yesterday). An act of love for hockey

21′ He has recovered. Pay attention to the irreducibility of Caldaro. During the break we talked a bit with the Varese players who, yesterday, like a family after the most painful defeat, remained in the locker room for two hours

End of 1st period: we are playing who has the most individual talent, in fact three of the four goals came from very good individual actions, and so Pergine wins the Cup

18’05” PERGINE GOAL The Linci close it immediately, this time with a quick touch on a rebound under the cage of captain Andrea Meneghini

17’03” CALDARO GOAL Bastian Andergassen reopens it with another personal action as beautiful as the one in the 2-0: uncatchable torpedo behind Rigoni

14′ Reaction from Caldaro, attacking under the section of the stands with the Pergine supporters who have been singing from the first minute

9’12” PERGINE GOAL Fantastic action and goal: Christian Buono does everything alone and puts it in the corner in superiority. For now the Trentino players are “dismantling” the South Tyroleans

8′ The Trentinos are dominating, now in numerical superiority

5’05” GOAL PERGINE Berger deflects the rebound from Christian Buono’s shot at sidereal speed into a goal

5′ The entire Mastini are in the stands, with the Sports Councilor Malerba and a very public audience

1′ Off

Final atmosphere: the Varese people responded, Pergine is supported by its very warm fans

It’s time for the national anthem

A lot of people are arriving, Varese captain Andrea Vanetti has just taken to the stands

Let’s go back to Varese for a moment: we saw some players before the start “destroyed” by what happened yesterday and we are very sorry. The Mastini players must know that nothing they have done or will do will ever change the love for them of the yellow and black people

The teams enter the track: the speaker is announcing Pergine, supported by many Trentino fans.

We are live from the Acinque Ice Arena where the final act of the final four will be staged which will award the twenty-eighth Coppa Italia of Italian hockey: competing for it from 7.30 pm will be Pergine, pushed by its very warm fans who have never been victorious in this event, and Caldaro who eliminated Varese yesterday and aims to pin the second tricolor rosette in their history on their chest after the one in 2019.

Pergine surprisingly finds Jozef Foltin back, who ended up in hospital yesterday due to a bad blow to the ribs: that of the Trentino players has infinite potential, but Caldaro is a winner par excellence.

Pergine-Caldaro 4-1 (3-1, 0-0, 1-0)
Goals: 5’05” Berger (C.Buono), 9’12” C.Buono sup., 17’03” B.Andergassen 2-1, 18’05” Meneghini (C.Buono, Lemay) 3-1 ; 58’02” Lemay (Meneghini) 4-1 with an empty net
Pergine: Rigoni (Zanella); Carmine Buono, Gamper, Christian Buono, Berger, Bitetto; Gabri, Alessandro Ambrosi, Foltin, Lemay, Meneghini; Lacedelli, Ghizzo, Manganelli, Andreotti, Mocellin; Marano, Viliotti, Flexati. Coach: Andrea Ambrosi.
Caldaro: Alex Andergassen (Mearelli); Volcan, Marko Virtala, De Donà, Riekkinen, Selva; Reffo, Shoepfer, Max Oberrauch, Cappuccio, Jonas Oberrauch; Massar, Waldthaler, Eschbamer, Bastian Andergassen, Felderer; Obexer, Anderlan, Oberhuber, Graf, Lintner. Coach: Kai Suikkanen
Referees: Nicola Basso, Mirco Fabrizio Da Pian (Fabrizio De Toni, Aleksandr Petrov)
Notes – Penalty For 4′, Cal 6′. Shots For 28, Cal 34. Attendance: 754.

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