Parabádminton Technology Campus in Toledo: Training and Inclusion with a Focus on World Championship Preparation

From December 26 to 30, the athlete from Selenia Pla, from the Xàtiva Badminton Club, has participated in a new edition of the Parabádminton Technology Campus which was held at the facilities of the Rafael del Pino Sports Complex in Toledo.

The 10 international badminton athletes trained under the orders of coach Daniel Sánchez to advance in some aspects such as the technical-tactical work of individual defense and attack situations and the analysis and improvement in doubles events.

The concentration also had an inclusive part that included the participation of a large group of U15, U17 and Absolute players from Castilla La Mancha.

The CB I force you to focus on other technical aspects.

Despite the injury, Selenia has returned with new knowledge to continue applying in daily training and in the coming weeks she will continue to actively work on the movement technique to improve her performance for the 2024 season competitions.

The participants

Among the participants who worked under the orders of coach Daniel Sánchez were, in addition to the Setabense, the international players Iván Segura (SH6), Pablo Serrano (SU5), Manuel García Rosendo (SU5) and Alex Santamaría (SL3), as well as the midfielders José María Bisbal (WH1), Blas Jiménez (WH1), Hugo Barrios (SL3) and Jaime Polo (SL3).

The aforementioned athletes were joined by the Portuguese sparring partner Diogo Daniel (SL4) and a large group of U15, U17 and Absolute players from Castilla La Mancha, so a coexistence was developed between athletes who compete at the highest level along with volantistas with disabilities who They want to know the sport of badminton, regardless of the type of disability or sporting level.

Among the specific objectives of this Campus I highlighted the preparation for the World Championship of the members of the natural team. This event is held in February in Pattaya (Thailand) and Spain wants to continue showing its evolution.

Concentration in Toledo (Photo:

2024-01-02 10:51:39
#Selenia #Pla #continues #Sports


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