Pablo Abián Advances to Swedish Open Final, Spanish Delegation Faces Mixed Results

Uppsala (Sweden) hosted the Swedish Open from Thursday to Sunday. Pablo Abián played for a place in the final against Viren Nettansinghe, the Sri Lankan player. The Spaniard managed to overcome the first game with ease, however the Asian increased the pace and made things difficult for Abián. He finally prevailed with an overall result of 21-14, 17-21 and 21-17. This Sunday the final will be played against the Indonesian Andi Fadel Muhammad (Badminton Europe TV).

His colleagues in the Spanish delegation did not achieve Abián’s results. The men’s doubles, formed by Rubén García and Carlos Piris, faced the Danes Kryger Boe and Kjær, who gave their opponents no respite and eliminated them in the quarterfinals with a score of 9-21 and 14-21.

The mixed doubles of Rubén García and Lucía Rodríguez beat the Nordics Jonas Kudsk and Dittle Søby by 21-10 and 21-14, thus moving to the penultimate round of the draw. However, they could not prevail against the Danes Jeppe Søby and Kathrine Vang. Both couples played a very tight match, in which they demonstrated a high competitive level. The final result favored those from Denmark with 22-20 and 26-24.

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2024-01-20 19:35:26
#Pablo #Abián #play #final #Swedish #Open


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