Natalia and Pedro’s uncomfortable date changes completely thanks to their common hobbies

Natalia and Pedro’s uncomfortable date changes completely when they find two hobbies in common

Pedro and Natalia seemed a little shy at the beginning of their ‘First dates’ date. “Shall we see what we ordered?” She said first, quickly directing her gaze to the letter. Pedro, not knowing how to bring it up, said yes and in silence they began to think about what dish they were going to have for dinner. Or maybe they used that time to think about what topic to talk about.

Natalia thought of asking him about his food preferences and was amazed when he told her that he didn’t like fish. She also took the opportunity to tell him that she really liked going to the gym and that she was even considering compete in powerlifting. Pedro’s eyes lit up because he goes to train every day of the week.

The conversation began to flow easily. Soon Pedro and Natalia discovered that they had more hobbies in common, such as social networks.


2024-01-19 21:56:25
#Natalia #Pedros #uncomfortable #date #completely #common #hobbies


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